Muslim Inter-Faith Based Groups Doing Great Work In The Communities
You can click on any highlighted word to view or download that item
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation is non-denominational, multi-cultural, and offers charitable assistance to the general public in matters relating to obtaining, maintaining, and generally improving the social, economic, familial and educational conditions of those we serve. We have provided essential services to many inter-faith based organizations with the aim of bettering the condition of the less fortunate.
In that spirit of outreach, we have supplied many Muslim inter-faith based businesses and organizations with staples that were inturn distributed to the public with the aid of radio broadcast. You can download AMWF 2010 Calendar pdf of a partial list of free food distribution dates and sites here. AMWF Food Dist.Cal 2-10 to 12-10
Free Food Give-Away Promotions with KPFA Radio
As many of you know, the many Free Food give-aways, proudly those with KPFA Radio Station in Berkeley, California has been one great sucess after another,- INCREDIBLE SUCCESSES.
You can listen to the “Thank You’s” to the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation as Public Service Announcement on KPFA Radio for the donations of food and floral arrangements and services AMWF offers to the public. The PSA’s were announced on the KPFA Radio shows Music of The World and Voices Of The Middle East on November 21, 2009; and on the radio shows The Gospel Experience and Voices Of The Middle East on December 5, 2009.
KPFA- “Thank You’s” on Music of The World and Voices Of The Middle East on November 21, 2009
KPFA- “ThankYou’s” on The Gospel Experience and Voices Of The Middle East on December 5, 2009
KPFA- GospExpThankYou’s AMWF 12-5-09.m4a (2540 KB)
You can listen to or download the broadcast on EarTyme of the PSA for the Free Food Donation for July 2, 2009, by clicking the link.
People came from miles around and were treated with as much food and flowers as they could pack, including the staff at Pacifica Radio Corporate and KPFA. This event was sponsored by Masjid al-Islam– The Oakland Islamic Center-, Masjidul Waritheen– , Jama’atus Salaam– , Go Wireless, Emad’s Tune Up, and The Justice For Ali Campaign– all of Oakland.
KPFA’s employees now want to do this donation on a weekly basis after the overwhelming back-to-back-to back successes of the previous public food give-aways that had people calling and coming from as far away as Santa Barbara and north/east to Oregon and Nevada! There are no words to express the sincere gratitude and “Thanks” conveyed on the part of the public and the employees and staff at Pacifica Radio and KPFA. JOB WELL DONE!!! The June 25, 2009 event was sponsored by Masjid Tasbeeh, The Muslim Community Center, Jama’atus Salaam, Go Wireless, Emad’s Tune Up, and The Justice For Ali Campaign.
These type of promotions are impossible without their involvement in these efforts. This is incredible outreach with invaluable goodwill established!! On several occassions it has pointed out to many people at Pacifica/KPFA, a young man standing next to Snoop Dogg in a framed picture proudly displayed on the main wall outside their main conference room, from a Tookie Williams rally held in November 2005. That young man is Imam Abu Qadir al-Amin. They were even more humbled when they acknowledged that he and the Muslim Community Center was one of the sponsors for this event. You can listen to or download the broadcasts of the PSA for the Free Food Donation for June 25, 2009 by clicking this link.
The “Thank You’s” to the Masjids and Muslims businesses; Masjid al-Islam, Masjidul Waritheen, and the Oakland Islamic Center, as well as Muslim business owners Go Wireless Mobile and Emad’s Tune Up, all of Oakland, California for their invaluable support in providing all the food and floral decorations with 100’s of bouquets of flowers and more for the “Nadra Foster Benefit” at La Pena Restaurant in Berkeley was aired live on the “Full Circle Show” with Host Joy Moore on Friday, June 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM. Part 2 of that broadcast was a week later on KPFA. Oddly enough, while the broadcast was being aired, unbeknownst to the crew, one of our employees was there providing food and refreshments for them for their enjoyment after the show. They still have not stop thanking him and the above mentioned parties. You can listen to or download the broadcast of the “Thank You’s” mentioned above by clicking on this link.
The station listeners and employees have spread the word to support and acknowledge the great work these masjids and businesses are doing for our communities and a better understanding of Islam. Masjid Tasbeeh– Oakland, The Muslim Community Center– San Francisco, and Jama’atus Salaam– Oakland, Go Wireless, Emad’s Tune Up, and The Justice For Ali Campaign– all of Oakland, recently sponsored a “Free Food Giveaway” at the Black Dot Cafe with KPFA’s Hard Knock Radio, Full Circle, Block Report Radio Programs. This group of radio programs and organizations announced their “Thank You’s” to the islamic groups on air and published them in that weeks Bay View Newspaper in San Francisco and now wants to have the donations all over Northern California on a weekly basis! After the overwhelming success of that event, we received the following email requesting to have two more at locations in Oakland and another two in San Francisco on a weekly basis. They want to do a news story about the wonderful charity on behalf of the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, the Masjids and businesses that make this all possible. Here’s the email:
****KPFA On Air “Thank You’s“****
You can listen to or download the broadcasts of the Free Food Donation for June 25, 2009, the promos, the latest the “Thank You’s” mentioned on June 19, 2009 aired on the list of Pacifica stations, with over 100 affiliate stations worldwide, at the bottom of this email, by clicking on the links below.
You can click on the links to listen to or download the KPFA “Thank Yous“ to Trader Joe’s, Emad, Go Wirless, Justice for Ali on September 12, 2009
KPFA- Trader Joe’s, Islamic Ctr., Emad’s, Go Wireless _Thank You’s 9-12-09.mp3 (1231 KB)
Justice For Ali- KPFA EarTyme 7-11-09
7-2-09 KPFA Full Circle Thank You’s To Masjid al-Islam, Masjidul Waritheen, and the Oakland Islamic Center, Go Wireless Mobile and Emad’s Tune Up
KPFA Full Circle- Thank Yous, 6-19-09Broad.mp3 (2301 KB)
Justice For Ali- KPFA Broadcast 5-2-09
KPFA GE, Justice For Ali 6-13-09Broad.mp3 (2159 KB)
Masjid al-Islam Fundraiser- KPFA Broadcast 5-16-09
Masjid al-Islam Fundraiser- KPFA Broadcast 5-9-09
Masjid al-Islam, Masjidul Waritheen, Oakland Islamic Center “Thank You’s”- KPFA Broadcast 6-6-09
KPFA GE 6-6-09Broad.mp3 (1687 KB)
Masjid al-Islam, Masjidul Waritheen, Oakland Islamic Center “Free Food Give Away Donation”- KPFA Broadcast 5-30-09
KPFA- Food Donation PSA 5-30-09.mp3 (10276 KB)
Na’il Karim’s Pies, Pies, Pies!!!
Here’s a listen to the KPFA Saturday, September 26, 2009 broadcast featuring Na’il Karim’s Pies. Na’il and his son Islam served delicious Watermelon, Carrot, Date, Banana Nut, Bean and Strawberry Pies to the show personell, station staff, volunteers, and guests in a live taste test infomercial that was a rousing sucess! They have been invited back for at least two other shows. Click on the date or the pies and you can listen to or download the announcement. KPFA 9-26-09 broadcast of Karim’s Pies, Pies, Pies
San Ramon Rotary Club Honors Masjid al-Islam Free Food Program
Here’s a look at Mukhtar Mujahid from Masjid al-Islam receiving a donation for the Free Food Program after speaking at the September 17, 2009 meeting of the San Ramon Rotary Club. Get out there!
“Harlem Renaissance” Benefit
Here are the links to the Saturday, September 19, 2009 , Saturday, September 26, 2009 and Saturday, November 14, 2009 announcements on KPFA Radio of the “Harlem Renaissance” Benefit at the Elijah Muhammed Cultural Center for the New Africa Kitchen. Click on the date and you can listen to or download the announcement for Saturday, September 19, 2009 , Saturday, September 26, 2009 and Saturday, November 14, 2009. KPFA 9-19-09 , 9-26-09 Harlem Renaissance and
KPFA Music of World- Harlem Renaissance Benefit 10-14-09.mp3 (2933 KB)
Here is the April 17, 2010 KPFA “Ear Thyme” Public Service Announcement of Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation organizing groups of wonderful 8th Graders to serve as Free Community Service Volunteers all around the Bay Area and made an on-air announcement to their listeners. You can hear and/or download the announcement at this link or listen here:
KPFA Ear Thyme 4/17/10 A&MWF to provide “8th Grade Community Service Volunteers”
We at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation were truly thankful for this opportunity to help others and these glorious young men and women in their quest to fulfill their personal desire to please a higher power and satisfy their own spirit in the process. Thanks again for the opportunity to serve you and let’s ALL do more and better for the youth and those less fortunate.
KPFA Ear Thyme- AMWFT Volunteers4-17-10.mp3 (1198 KB)
Here’s the KPFA Gospel Experience April 17, 2010 “Thank You’s” to Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, Masjidul Waritheen, Emad’s Tune Up and Go Wireless. Click on the link and you can listen to or download the announcement.
KPFA- GospExpThankYou’s w-AMWFT,Warith,Emad4-17-10.mp3 (2701 KB)
Here’s the KPFA Gospel Experience April 3, 2010 “Thank You’s” to Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Superstar Management. Click on the link and you can listen to or download the announcement.
KPFA Gospel Experience April 3, 2010 “Thank You’s” to Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Superstar Management
Here’s the KPFA Gospel Experience April 24, 2010 “Thank You’s” to Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddis Bakery, and the Oakland Halal Meat Market. Click on the link and you can listen to or download the announcement.
KPFA- GospExpThankYou’s w-AMWF-SemiFreddis,HalalMkt4-24-10.m4a (3249 KB)
Radio station KPFA made an on-air Congratulations to recent graduates Aminah Muhammed – U. C. Berkeley Master Degree; Princess Robinson- U. C. Berkeley Bachelors Degree; and Jameelah Muwakil- Merritt College Medical RNA; all from Masjid al-Islam Community! A very special thanks from the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation that provides educational scholarship and admissions support to private high schools and universities including U. C. Berkeley. You listen to or download the KPFA on-air Congratulations to the ladies by clicking on this link.
Radio station KPFA made several on-air Public Service Announcements for the Bay Area Ummah and their united effort to bring “Unity To The Community”. It was a highly successful, fun filled day of family activities and plenty of Halal food at Mosswood Park in Oakland on Sunday, May 16, 2010, all for the sake of Allah, S.W.T. The Ummah was comprised of Jamaat’us Salaam, Masjid al-Islam, Masjidul Waritheen, Lighthouse Mosque, Masjid Tasbih, San Francisco Muslim Community Center, and the Richmond Muslim Mission Center! There was additional support from the Oakland Halal Meat Market and Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation. You listen to or download the KPFA on-air announcement by clicking on this link.
On Saturday, May 29, 2010 Radio Station KPFA made a special “Thank You” announcement on air for the invaluable food donation and heartfelt community service efforts of:
Abdu and Razak at the “Oakland Halal Meat Market”, 31st & Telegraph Ave, Oakland;
“SemiFreddis”, Owner Tom Franier, Amoreena, and Kenny with their delicious apricot scones, YUUUUUUMMMMM!;
Mahasin, Brenda, Abdul, and Faheem at the “New Africa Kitchen Halal Resturant” and “Masjidul Waritheen”; and
“Trader Joe’s” Markets. You can click on this link to listen to or download the announcement.
KPFA- GospExp HalalSemiNewAfricaTJs 5-29-10.m4a (3124 KB)Congratulations and our “Thanks” to ALL!
KPFA also made an on-air “Thank You” announcement from the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation to Beth Alsberg, the 70- 8th Grade students, 22 parents and teachers and administrators at Prospect Sierra School whom volunteered as customer service reps at Lincoln Child Center, St. Vincent de Paul, Wardrobe for Opportunity, OTX the Oakland Technology Exchange Center-all from Oakland, CA, – Bay Area Rescue Mission in Richmond CA, and KPFA Radio in Berkeley CA. You can listen to or download the announcement at this link.
The students while at KPFA made station promo’s that are now being aired in rotation! Thanks to ALL of YOU for allowing ALL of US to benefit from YOUR generosity!
Thanks for allowing us to help and support you ALL!
The announcements are aired live over the internet on and KPFB 89.3 FM; KFCF- Fresno, CA- 88.1 FM; KCSB – Santa Barbara, CA – 91.9 FM; KDRT-LP – Davis, CA – 101.5 FM; KDVS – Davis, CA – 90.3 FM; KHSU in Arcata, CA- 90.5 FM; KIDE – Hoopa, CA – 91.3 FM; KMUD – Redway, CA – 88.3 & 91.1 FM; KMEC-LP – Ukiah, CA – 105.1 FM; KNFS-LP – Tulare, CA – 98.1 FM; KUSP – Santa Cruz, CA – 88.9 FM; KVMR – Nevada City, CA – 89.5 &105.1 FM; KZFR – Chico, CA – 90.1 FM
The Stanford Jazz Workshop will be honoring Jazz Legend Khalil Shaheed with a Tribute and FUNraiser at his performance at the Festival on July 19, 2010 at 7:30 pm. Khalil will be honored by the U. S. Congress, State of California, City of Oakland, and Masjidul Waritheen.
Khalil will perform at the Festival with his group “Mo’Rockin Project” Featuring: Bouchaib Abdelhadi, vocals/dembek; Yassir Chadly- Imam at Masjid al-Iman Oakland, vocals/gembre/oud; Richard Howell, saxophone; Khalil Shaheed, trumpet; Glen Pearson, piano; Ron Belcher, bass; Deszon Claiborne, drums.
The event is being arranged by Gabrielle Wilson and Associates with the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation where recently KPFA DJ Doug Edwards and Ms. Wilson hosted Khalil Shaheed on “Music of the World”. The event featured testimonials from many of the Nations and Bay Areas top Jazz personalities honoring Shaheed.You can listen to that program here:
KPFA_Music_of_World-Khalil_Shaheed_Tribute-_ProSierra,JustAli,Waritheen6-9-10.m4a (40224 KB)
There’s also a “Thank You” to the “Justice for Ali” campaign during the program as a sponsor.
On July 26, 2010 Radio Station KPFA announced “Thank You’s” to Clara Muhammed School for nearly 20 years of food donations to KPFA and many other needy organizations around Northern California! Their generousity is greatly appreciated and we say thanks for all whom have benefited from your dawah! May god continue to bless you all, Imam Faheem, secretary Brenda, Brother James Shakur, Carla Ali, Sista Samia Montasar, Zainab Nasir, Latifah Shaheed! They also announced a “Thank You” to Tom Frainier, Ann Marina, Emily, Shai-El Andrews, Bee and Pau Xiong, and Kenny Simmons at SemiFreddis for their deliteful, delectable pastry donations arranged by Clara Muhammed School and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation.
When KPFA Radio DJ Doug Edwards and Gabrielle Wilson hosted a Tribute and Benefit for Khalil Shaheed on “Music of the World”, during the program they aired for the first time the Public Service Announcements featuring the Prospect Sierra 8th Grade Students and their teacher Bert Kessler. Bert begins the PSA’s with an introduction of the students and their Community Service Project at KPFA arranged by Gabrielle Wilson and Associates with the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation. You can listen to or down the PSA’s on the program here:
KPFA_Music_of_World-Khalil_Shaheed_Tribute-_ProSierra,JustAli,Waritheen6-9-10.m4a (40224 KB)
There’s also a “Thank You” to the “Justice for Ali” campaign during the program as a sponsor.
Radio Station KPFA has begun airing the Prospect Sierra 8th grade students station promo’s in rotation! They are SUPERSTARS!
Here’s the links to listen to or download the promos and please share them with everyone for us!
Track 11 Silas
Track 10 John Leamon
Track 09 Victoria
Track 08 Margaret
Track 07 Jasper Burget
Track 06 Eugene Hyman
Track 05 Erin
Track 04 Emily
Track 03 Tara
Track 02 Margaret
Track 01 Bert Kesler
Thanks for allowing us to help and support you ALL!
Tom Frainier of SemiFreddis, Gian “G” Pepe of Pepe International/Little Napoli Resturant/Carmel Bakery discussing Haas School of Business, the Y.E.A.H. Program, The Bread Project and giving back to the community:
Download now or listen on posterous
GE-Gabby_w-Tom_&_G_on_HaasYEAH_7-17-10.m4a (20531 KB)
Doc. Marcus Flowers of Kangen Water discussing the benefits of PH balanced water on the body:
Download now or listen on posterous
GE- Gabby w-DocMarcus KangenWater7-17-10.m4a (12983 KB)
and the Khalil Shaheed Benefit at the Stanford Jazz Festival with him being honored by the U.S. Congress, California Senate, City of Oakland and Masjidul Waritheen:
Download now or listen on posterous
I want to thank everyone that participated on the show, you were all phenomenal, and you have some incredible material for your websites and social network medias to share with friends and business associates.
Thanks again
(510) 394-4501