Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
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Articles on Abdul-Jalil: The Man Who Turns Hits Into Million$, One Special Case, ESPN Bostock 5th & Jackson TV Special Part 1, and Part 2, ESPN Bostock Magazine Special, the “al-Hakim Tax Code Ruling”, Smart Agent, Busy Agent, Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference, Oakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,
Email Abdul-Jalil here
Thank you in advance for your continued support and prayers and I hope this brief note finds you and yours in the best of health and spirits. The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are planning a December Haitian Relief Mission and the dates have been finalized as November 30, 2010 to December 7, 2010! We will again be working with Arch Bishop Joel Jeune, one of the most powerful men in Haiti as head of the Catholic Church, and the people of Haiti that he serves at Grace Village, the compound of his organization Grace International, in the Carrefour district of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, the epicenter of the earthquake.
As you know, the Village has become a refuge center, housing almost 30,000 quake victims and the compound is located precisely where the earthquake did the most damage. Most of the homes and neighborhoods surrounding Grace Village have been highly damaged, if not devastated, leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead and injured.
We will be working and living (in guest houses) on site, providing OBGYN care, possibly primary care (depending on staffing), health education and social support including mental health counseling. Our focus for OBGYN will be developing an ongoing clinic as there is a great need for prenatal services.
The following supplies are urgently needed for the Mission:
1. Portable Ultrasound Machine
2. Fetal Monitor
3. Laboratory Testing Equipment
a) Urinalysis kits
b) Glucometers with strips, lancets, alcohol swabs
c) Hemoglobin/hemotocrit
4. Fetoscopes (50)
5. Medicines: antibioticsanti-diabetics, antihypertensives, hormonal, prenatal vitamins, multivitamins, anesthetics, Insulin,
6. Condoms, contraceptive hormones, IUD
7. Blood pressure cuffs (100)
8. Patient gowns (1,000)
9. Gynecololgy Equipment
a) Speculums (100), assorted sizes
10. Laboratory Equipment: urinalysis, Glucometer (with strips, lancets, alcohol swabs), Hemaglobin/hematocrit, hemocult slides
11. Birth Control Supplies and Medicines: condoms, BCP, IUD, etc.
12. Biopsy equiptment: cervical biopsy, breast biopsy, etc.
13. Colposcopy, cryotherapy, LEEP machine
Also, we are looking for providers who are interested in teaching as this was an urgent request from our hosts but this is dependent on us hiring translators. As such we are looking for Kreyol-speaking nurses and providers to assist us. Currently there is an RN from New York City who is willing to attend however she is in need of financial assistance. This particular RN worked with us on previous mission and her help was invaluable. If you or anyone in your organization can fund her trip costs that would be fantastic.
Other services are dependent on getting sufficient volunteers. So spread the word, this mission is open to all volunteers but our capacity is limited and preference will be given to early responders. If they have not participated on one of our previous missions then they should send their CV and the completed Volunteer Waiver forms as soon as possible. The forms are available upon request.
We look forward to your response and “Thank you ALL” in advance.
” The Man Who Turn$ Hit$ Into Million$”