Free Computers

Free Computers from OTX West and Relia Tech

Oakland Technology Exchange West

1680 14th Street Oakland, Ca. 94607,  Phone 510-893-4822, Fax 510-893-1205

Oakland Technology Exchange West (OTX-West) began the Take Home Computer Program (THCP)  in the 2000-2001 school year. Since that time, OTX-West has distributed more than 10,000 free home computers to OUSD (Oakland Unified School District) students through partnerships with Urban Dreams and Project SOAR and Oakland based non-profits.


OTX-West provides Pentium 2 & 3 computers with Windows 2000 Professional to any Oakland students in grades 6-12. To earn a computer, the student and parent/adult must register and attend our 3 hour THCP class. Classes are held at OTX-West at least once a week from 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (usually on a Wednesday or Thursday). Classes start promptly so please arrive early. Use the THCP Registration link at the top of this page to select a class and register or call them at 510-893-4822.
After completing the class, students will pick up their home computers from OTX-West on our distribution day (typically every 1st Saturday of the month).

Computers for the Community

OTXWest is pleased to offer low cost, high quality, refurbished computers to the community.  A PIII computer, with Windows XP Professional, OpenOffice (Microsoft Office clone) and much much more is available to residents of Oakland.  These computers can be earned through volunteering or by paying the refurbishing fee or a combination of both.  Each volunteer hour earns one “service buck”.  Currently, a PIII computer “costs” 20 service bucks at OTXWest or $100.  A P4 Celeron (1.5ghz) costs 30 service bucks or $150.  All computers come with a one year warranty.  Other “addons”, such as a DVDRom drive, a CD Burner, can be added for additional service bucks or a small fee.  Volunteer hours can be used in place of money at the rate of $5 per service buck.  For example, a PIII computer can be had for 10 service bucks and $50.  OTXWest offers a free three hour course that introduces the recipient to the various programs on the computer.

Computers for School and Non-Profits
If you are in a Oakland Public School and would like to receive computers from OTX-West, please have the school principal contact them with your request, or call (510) 893-4822. OTXWest charges the a small refurbishing fee for each computer.  Technical support is also available.  Price varies depending on features.

All school computer are internet ready and loaded with legal and appropriate software.

The Take Home Computer Program provides free computers to Oakland schools students in grades 6-12. In order to receive a free computer students must take our 3 hour computer training class. If you would like to receive a home computer, please to and fill out the form or call them at 510-893-4822.

You will be contacted within the next week regarding your computer training class. Classes are held at OTX-West at least once a week from 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (usually on a Wednesday or Thursday). See calendar for scheduled classes. Classes start promptly so please arrive early. If you have questions about the Take Home Computer Program, please give them a call. Class schedules can be found at:


2300 El Portal Drive- Suite G, San Pablo, Ca. Phone: 510 236-7000
Get a Great Computer System at a Great Price!

ReliaTech, the nonprofit social enterprise of the Stride Center,  provides reliable computer repair, service and support to small businesses, nonprofits, and individuals. All of our technicians are certified and insured.

We provide great Gold Star Certified Renewed Computers for as little as $100.

We also offer Managed Service Solutions for nonprofits and small businesses that keep office systems running strong and securely.

Here’s why you should call ReliaTech:

  • No Fix, No Fee guarantee
  • Top-quality service and support
  • Highly competitive prices
  • Free In-Store Diagnostic Test
  • Service in our shop, or in your office or home
  • Discounts to nonprofit organizations
  • Every technician certified in one or more specialties

We are a state-registered e-waste collector. When you donate your old computer equipment to ReliaTech, you get a valuable tax deduction, the community gets a great refurbished computer,  and the Earth gets a break.

Donate your old equipment – no charge for pickup (minimum quantities required)

Call today: 510 236-7000 (or visit to get more information and to talk about your specific requirements.


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