FREE Logo, Media Campaign, Website hosting for Non-Profit

4200 Park Blvd., #116, Oakland CA  94602
Phone  (510) 394-4601
   In the spirit of GIVING, we ask all to take advantage of our services offer and I want to personally ask that YOU do so FREE or on a cost basis. We will develop a new Corporate Branded Logo (at cost), mount a Media Campaign, build a Commercial Corporate Website (at cost), host your Non-Profit website for 6 months FREE, produce a Corporate Promotional Video (at cost), perform a Strategic Planing Analysis, or develop a Social Media Marketing platform. Take your choice, it’s FREE!

We, ¿eX-whY? AdVentures, would be able to help you or your organization with it’s fundraising and promotion with a fundraising/media campaign. Perhaps we can raise funds and help each other if your willing to commit to be a Fundraising Donor Organizer. Here’s how!

Selecting the people and groups that are potential donors govern us and should be our highest priority as fundraisers. Any religious system that becomes complacent MUST be given new life with the infusion of new opinions, new ideas, new people, diversity and change. Fundraisers must rise above their self interests to embrace this new diversity and include the “Heartbeat of All People”. We at ¿eX-whY? AdVentures have that formula for success as a major force in our arsenal! You can check our EMPOWERMENT POLLING page and complete the 

This is a matter of singular importance to all. It reinforces the commitment to providing the national landscape with the knowledge for a more well rounded view of the world and provide the ability to forge exceptional leadership.

The preeminence of this diversity and Heartbeat provides a knowledge base upon which to build an all inclusive platform that is second to none, not only in the quality of the freedom and standard of living we enjoy, not only in the caliber of intellectual achievement and the scientific gains we have made, but also in terms of the delivery of this total cache to the public at large and your religious community in particular.

This knowledge will help develop donors, business, policy and research that can guide your community’s policymakers on issues of local to national importance, government, economic growth, education, labor issues, health care, real estate development and housing, social welfare, criminal justice and civil rights.

This knowledge and Heartbeat is “ground zero” in the religious, racial, ethnic, economic, and geographical transformation of the international mindset to be all inclusive of this diversity and opinions, to be proactive on these issues and will lead in engaging those questions. The disenfranchised does not have to be the unfortunate victim of history and with self determination, can take charge of their own destiny, if given an opportunity.

¿eX-whY? selects, customizes, and uses effective methodologies and designs creative techniques for generating insightful findings as well as analyzing and producing actionable recommendations to assist you with achieving your goals and meeting the needs of your target market.

¿eX-whY? AdVentures combines web, telephone and postal mail outreach techniques for collecting donations and primary data with secondary research data and forecasting to provide sophisticated overviews of markets, with religious, political and business environment conditions for your fundraising and media campaign, product, company, promotion, subscription/membership drive, marketing, etc.

We can offer a most effective and comprehensive campaign of an introductory initial phone call, a follow-up letter, fax or email, and a closing phone call to secure your desired action for less than the costs of a door hanger and lunch per person!!!. We can have your name, face, voice, platform, product, or organization in front of your constituency or target market for less than you could imagine!!!

With this knowledge ¿eX-whY? AdVentures, is vital to a successful effort to raise funds, form committees, enlist precinct workers, obtain endorsements, stage promotions, register voters, hold press conferences, walk precincts, mail brochures, answer and make phone calls to your constituents.



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