Oaklanders Honored for Work In Haiti, Free Logo Design and Business Strategic Plan; YOUR Free Food Program; Entertainment Jobs Feb. 2012- March 2012

Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
Join the Superstars Entertainment and Sports Network
Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile
Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil on Twitter: @ajalil
Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-Jalil
Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room
iPhone FaceTime: (510) 394-4501
AIM, Video Chat Screen Name: jalil@superstarmanagement.com
Skype Video Chat Screen Contact Name: Superstarmanagement
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France

Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
Founder of BLACK EXPO shown with Olympic Sprinter John Carlos , Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference , Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA ConferenceOakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,

You can click on any highlighted word to view or download that item

    Abdul-Jalil and crew were nominated for an EMMY with “OUT. The Glenn Burke Story”, and although they did not win it, they have already won several major honors for it and expect more.

“Out. The Glenn Burke Story” YouTube Promotion:

The conversation was hosted by Rich Walcolf, and filmed at KGO 810 studios in San Francisco.

KGO Radio’s broadcast discussion of “Out. The Glenn Burke Story”

The Sports Leader, KNBR 680 AM and ESPN Radio “The Ticket” 1050 AM.


Dr. Kenya Numan and her organization “Stepping Together” as well as Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim and “The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation” were recently honored in Miami, Florida and Port Au Prince, Haiti in July 2011 for the Relief Missions that they have sent to Haiti since the earthquake. The incomparable Dr. Numan has served in the  Gulf War and was a top level surgeon on the front line addressing the needs on the U.S. soldiers where word of her superior talents spread throughout the region such that even the opposition sought her out when they were detained. She has served the needs of many around the world in Africa, South and Central America, and here in the U. S.
A very special “Thanks” to all that have supported our efforts over the years!

On August 25, 2010 Abdul-Jalil received the letter shown below of “Thanks” from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune of Grace Village in Haiti for the Relief Mission they received from the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together on behalf of The World Conference of Mayors (WCM- 18,000 Political Leaders and Dignitaries from around the world) and The National Conference of Black Mayors (NCBM). This is a tangible reality of SUCCESS in Haiti for ALL the members of the organizations world-wide rather than the many idle cocktail party rants and raves of projects that exist without any substance behind them. THEY DID IT! ALL the members of the World Conference of Mayors can celebrate their success and acknowledge their contribution.

They are now moving forward in a meaningful way to secure financial, subsistence, construction and medical aid and support for the next mission which will take place as soon as we can unite to raise the necessary items just mentioned. They can tap into the resources of the USAIDS and the National Medical Association to make great progress in securing bi-weekly missions to various needed areas around the World!

They are committed and prepared to work with the WCM and NCBM organizations to raise funds, provide support and organize continued relief efforts for financial donations, to deliver much needed medical support and supplies; food; clothing; educational materials; construction support and building materials; much needed personal items; and legal assistance for displaced children from orphanages that were given transportation and temporary housing in the United States with other families, churches, and organizations until homes have been rebuilt to house them. Where most relief efforts are limited, if not stopped altogether by current travel restrictions in, within, and out of Haiti, The World Conference of Mayors has some political cache that it can exercise to further achieve our united goals globally. This could be the first step toward fulfilling several of their conversations of thier organizations providing relief support to WCM and NCBM efforts globally.

Additionally, in relations to their working together on relief missions here in America and globally, Abdul-Jalil is exploring the possibility of a telethon, perhaps with J. C. Watts “Black Television News Channel” (BTNC). To that end the WCM is prepared to provide it’s full support to his and their joint efforts to overcome the continual need for financial assistance to achieve their goals. These fundraising efforts include the proposed telethon as a measure to not only raise funds but to raise awareness for the causes as well. Now they are moving forward with these joint and several fundraising efforts with a goal of working together on projects of mutual interest and support in a spirit of oneness.

Again, there is much work to do and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are committed and prepared to work with WCM and NCBM organizations to raise funds and organize continued relief efforts to provide assistance to countries around the world, especially Africa, the Caribbean and South/Central America.

Page One of Letter


Page Two of Letter





Oakland City Attorney
Resigns! FORCED OUT!!! Can’t Dodge Fraud, Corruption Charges!

The Occupy Movement that has swept America and the world, had it’s Occupy Oakland beginnings with the revelation of irrefutable evidence of the mass fraud and corruption of the Oakland City Attorney, Oakland Police Department, Alameda County District Attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, California State Appeals Court and California Supreme Court in an action to deny justice and cover up that denial of justice in the 20 year case of Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim vs CSAA, Rescue, et al.

The unrest caused by the exposure of the criminal actions of these law enforcement, legal and judicial individuals/bodies in this matter implored others to investigate the ongoing case revealing even more rampant corruption that has dramatically portrayed the sullied, sordid underbelly culture of corruption that Oakland and Alameda County has long been known for! This pattern continued even through the Oscar Grant murder debacle but lead to the people of the Oakland East Bay Area and beyond, standing up to that corruption and saying “NO MORE!!!”.

The cry at ALL the Occupy events world-wide are echoing the frustration felt by the people of the East Bay Area, “We are ALL Oscar Grant!!” and most are reacting in solidarity and union with those whom have voiced their opinions with their frustrations in a varied manner of ways. The world witnessed as Oakland revolted and burned with the that cry and now the whole world is chanting the same tune and following Oakland lead as it did in the 1960-70’s re-evolution!

    The Minority and Occupy Communities ( #occupyoakland #OWS) are evaluating the elected officials, want-to-be-leaders, clergy and so-called power brokers that do not represent their interest, yet claim to bargain and speak for them! How can these self-perceived “influence peddlers” bargain away the rights and interests of people they do not talk to, know nor represent?

African-American youth, the overall Minority Youth Community with the Occupyers ( #occupyoakland #OWS) know these carpet baggers and their “bagmen” are sellouts and represent BIG BUSINESS INTEREST- the Developers, Banks, Insurance Companies, Attorneys and maintaining the status quo! The Minority Youth Community with the Occupyers proclaim widely and loudly that they ARE NOT the constituents of these turncoats that disavow their very own ethnic orientation because they acknowledge that being Black in America is to be considered worthless and disposable!

One of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan’s problems is her depending on the advice of Uncle Toms Sandre Swanson, and Keith Carson; while fighting bootlicking-backstabbing Larry Reid
and Ignacio DeLaFuente; assumming theres some influence of want-to-be-leaders, clergy and so-called power brokers to move the concerned disenfranchised; with double crooked duplicitous Dan Siegle! (More coming on this cast of characters)

Oakland City Councilmen
Larry Reid and Ignacio DeLaFuente have given away many, many millions of dollars in valuable Real Estate to their developer partners! From 14th Ave to 106th Ave and down from MacArthur Blvd. to the Bay. Councilmen Reid and DeLaFuente are owned and controlled by developers! That’s why they constantly connive so shamelessly for the Civil Gang Injunctions and curfews, with EVERY act of difference they are in the media spinning it as an example of serious crime that could be eliminated with the injunction/curfew. Reid has gone on air and repeatedly tried to trivialize and void the entire good of some lives by claiming their life was somehow lost to or compromised by gang related violence that could have been avoided by the injunction/curfew by pushes for his disposed partner in crime, former City Attorney John Russo. Many families resenting that media manipulation with on air to publicly denounce Reid’s developers serving claims!

Reid was served with a complaint against his partner Russo and refused to investigate it, but rather chose to cover it up. Not so oddly enough, that was the same stance taken by Sandre Swanson, Keith Carson and District Attorney Nancy O’Malley. Who are they protecting and why? Carson has made himself a witness in this case my the admissions made by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley to him regarding the incident where she had al-Hakim removed from the D. A.’s office while sitting alone in the lobby waiting for a meeting!

The real reason the Reid Gang wants the injunction/curfews are because they are law enforcement and real estate developers dream tools for gentrifying the inner-city and administratively taking land from the poor! Not so unfortunately, an analyst last week revealed that the North Oakland Gang Injunction HAS FAILED to reduce crime in any way, yet in has enriched the police department with over $12 million while the Oakland Police Department has FAILED to comply with the Federal Mandate to meet MINIMUM agreed upon standards to fight corruption! This failure is one of the presumed reasons for Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts resigning. One question being asked now is did Mayor Ron Dellums or City Attorney John Russo investigate the many alleged charges of abuse against former Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts before they hired him and was that a factor in his resigning?


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