Before Jason Collins

Before Jason Collins
The world is throwing a parade for Jason Collins, the 7-foot free-agent NBA center who came out last month. He was hugged by Oprah, celebrated by “Good Morning America,” and congratulated by President Obama.

But nobody seems to remember baseball’s Glenn Burke, who tried to come out nearly 40 years ago and was stuffed back in.

“How’s Jason Collins going to talk about being the first?” says Burke’s agent, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim. “Glenn Burke was the first. And he wasn’t any free agent, either. He was in the lineup.”

Glenn Burke was a barrel-chested jokester, a singing, dancing, one-man cabaret. His teammates called him King Kong. In high school, the 6-foot Burke could dunk two basketballs at once, in street shoes. He roamed center field for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Oakland A’s in the late 1970s.

Burke was the pulse of the clubhouse. He wore a red jock. He’d jump in the backs of pink Rolls-Royces after games. He invented the high-five (with Dusty Baker). Oh, yes, he did.

He was as out as an athlete could be in the mid-1970s. It wasn’t that he was flaunting it. It was that he couldn’t keep it in.

“When we’d land at airports,” remembers Davey Lopes, the Dodgers’ second baseman. “There’d always be guys waiting for Glenn. We’d go our way and he’d go off on his merry way. We’d go to clubs and women would hand him their numbers. But he’d never call ’em. Didn’t matter to us. We loved him.”

In the famous 1977 Dodgers-Yankees World Series — starring Reggie Jackson, Thurman Munson, Steve Garvey, and Ron Cey — only one rookie cracked either starting lineup: Glenn Burke.

“Nobody tripped that he was gay,” says Burke’s longtime pal, Doug Harris, who produced the documentary “Out” about Burke in 2010. “The people who tripped off it were the Dodgers [management]. They didn’t want to talk about it. He was trying to tell the reporters, but they said they couldn’t write that stuff.”

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  SUPERSTAR MANAGEMENT 7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA  94605-3032 (510) 394-4501,  Fax (510) 638-8889 Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Join the Superstars Entertainment and Sports Network Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil Abdul-Jalil on Twitter: @ajalil Abdul-Jalil on FaceBook Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room …
Continue reading Free Tickets to GOAPELE- Yoshis, S.F., 5/1 @8pm; Tank- Yoshis, Oakland, 4/24 @8pm; A List Celebrities Comps for Kentucky Derby, May 5-7, 2011; New Entertainment Jobs May-April 2011!

December 2010 Relief Mission to Haiti

December 2010 Haiti Relief Mission
Thank you in advance for your continued support and prayers and I hope this brief note finds you and yours in the best of health and spirits. The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are planning a December Haitian Relief Mission and the dates have been finalized as November 30, 2010 to December 7, 2010! We will again be working with Arch Bishop Joel Jeune, one of the most powerful men in Haiti as head of the Catholic Church, and the people of Haiti that he serves at Grace Village, the compound of his organization Grace International, in the Carrefour district of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, the epicenter of the earthquake.

As you know, the Village has become a refuge center, housing almost 30,000 quake victims and the compound is located precisely where the earthquake did the most damage. Most of the homes and neighborhoods surrounding Grace Village have been highly damaged, if not devastated, leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead and injured.

We will be working and living (in guest houses) on site, providing OBGYN care, possibly primary care (depending on staffing), health education and social support including mental health counseling. Our focus for OBGYN will be developing an ongoing clinic as there is a great need for prenatal services.

Supplies Needed for Haitian Mission

The following supplies are urgently needed for the Mission:
1) Portable Ultrasound Machine
2) Fetal Monitor
3) Laboratory Testing Equipment
a) Urinalysis kits
b) Glucometers with strips, lancets, alcohol swabs
c) Hemoglobin/hemotocrit
4) Fetoscopes (50)
5) Medicines: antibioticsanti-diabetics, antihypertensives, hormonal, prenatal vitamins, multivitamins, anesthetics, Insulin,
6) Condoms, contraceptive hormones, IUD
7) Blood pressure cuffs (100)
8) Patient gowns (1,000)
10) Gynecololgy Equipment
a) Speculums (100), assorted sizes
11) Laboratory Equipment: urinalysis, Glucometer (with strips, lancets, alcohol swabs), Hemaglobin/hematocrit, hemocult slides
12) Birth Control Supplies and Medicines: condoms, BCP, IUD, etc.
13) Biopsy equiptment: cervical biopsy, breast biopsy, etc.
14) Colposcopy, cryotherapy, LEEP machine

Also, we are looking for providers who are interested in teaching as this was an urgent request from our hosts but this is dependent on us hiring translators. As such we are looking for Kreyol-speaking nurses and providers to assist us. Currently there is an RN from New York City who is willing to attend however she is in need of financial assistance. This particular RN worked with us on previous mission and her help was invaluable. If you or anyone in your organization can fund her trip costs that would be fantastic.

Other services are dependent on getting sufficient volunteers. So spread the word, this mission is open to all volunteers but our capacity is limited and preference will be given to early responders. If they have not participated on one of our previous missions then they should send their CV and the completed Volunteer Waiver forms as soon as possible. The forms are available upon request.

I want to know if you are interested in participating with the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Dr. Kenya Numan with Stepping Together to aid the people of Haiti, and if so, please send me your notice asap. I have attached herein below pictures of Dr. Numan during the Mission to Haiti July 24, 2010 to service the Arch Bishop at the Village and it was a great success for all that lead to this mission!

There is much work to do and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are committed and prepared to work with you and your organizations to raise funds and organize continued relief efforts to provide assistance to countries around the world, especially Africa, the Carribean and South/Central America.

We look forward to your response and “Thank you ALL” in advance.


Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim,Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation,7633 Sunkist Drive Oakland,CA,94605,Abdul-Jalil, Abdul Jalil, al Hakim, Aaron,Margaret Wallace, Foundation,Sunkist Drive,Oakland, 94605-3024,Tweet,Twitter,Wyclef Jean,launch,Black Television News Channel, the only,Afro-American,24/7,cable news network,attend the grand opening,Wyclef,ajalil,@wyclef, BTNC,,Haiti earthquake,January 13, 2010,announced via Twitter, partner with Stepping Together,the Surgery Planet,to provide resources,vehicles, manpower, supplies, donations, information, education, etc.,@ajalil,,partnering,Surgery Planet, resource,vehicle, ,via,TweetDeck,followers,donate to,Wyclef’s,Yele Haiti Fund,Help Haiti,survivors,donate @wyclef,online,,Earthquake Relief Fund,@yelehaiti,ONE members,around the world,took action,$1 billion,debt relief for Haiti,go more in-depth,the crisis,the rebuilding,long-term development solutions,participated,an interactive conference call,talk about Haiti,what we can do,Rep. Maxine Waters, a debt relief champion,driving force for legislative solutions,former, Senate Majority Leader, Dr. Bill Frist,trained surgeon,returned from,operating,Haitian field hospital,Dr. Joia Mukherjee, medical director,Partners in Health,in Haiti right now,David Meltzer, senior vice president,International Services,American Red Cross,back from Haiti,RSVP, phone number,ONE,members,Maxine Waters, former Senate Majority Leader,Bill Frist,President,David Lane,interactive,conference call,on Haiti Crisis,Rebuilding,Debt Cancellation,massive response,Drop Haiti’s Debt,campaign,having an impact, movement,IMF,World Bank,find ways,cancel Haiti’s debts,the House of Representatives,Senate,tackle this issue,promising,keep the pressure up,learn more,about,how we can help,the Haitian people,during this, time of crisis,and beyond,experts,observers,shared their responses,the aftermath,earthquake,took questions, discuss the latest news,Drop Haiti’s Debt campaign,talked about,the broader,development picture,what more we can do,to help the Haitian people,rebuild,advance, the long-term, In the wake of devastation,the opportunity to rebuild, develop,miss our opportunity,to learn,the facts, help plan the future,hear first-hand accounts,what’s going on in Haiti,opportunity to serve,those in need,the Honorable Johnny Ford, former Mayor,member of,the State House of Representatives,Tuskegee, Alabama, the Founder, Secretary,General,World,Conference of Mayors,The National Conference,Black Mayors,working on behalf of,to aid the people of Haiti.,The World ,Conference of Mayors,mayors abroad, establishing partnerships, mayoral associations, presidents,heads of state in Africa, Colombia, China, Haiti, Brazil, Jamaica, Martinique,the Bahamas,The National Conference,Black Mayors,assists,African American Mayors,across the United States,citizens,that they collectively represent, established the,Haitian Disaster Relief Fund,PVO status,now provide USAID assistance,their own HIV/AIDS Initiative,National Medical Association,Mars Corporation,to donate,shipment of Uncle Ben’s Rice, to Haitian member,mayors’ communities, fed over 300,000 people in Haiti,the most powerful man in Haiti,head of the Catholic Church,alleged,corrupt politicians,prayer,a miracle,to aid,the people of Haiti,that he serves,Kenya Numan,crew,on the ground,refuge,center,30,000 quake victims,located,where the earthquake did the most damage,Most of the homes,neighborhoods surrounding,highly,damaged,leaving,hundreds of thousands of people,dead,injured,letter of Thanks,the Honorable,Johnny,Ford,acknowledging,eternal debt, gratitude, Herculean, effort,rearrange,logistics,reroute,tangible,reality,SUCCESS ,ALL the members of the organizations,world-wide,rather than,idle cocktail party, rants,raves,projects that exist,without any substance,behind them,ALL the members of the World Conference of Mayors,celebrate their success, acknowledge their contribution,assessment of,the Haitian Relief Effort to Grace Village,very good meeting,Grace International Ministries , a tour of their facilities,They are doing great work for the Haitian people,we would like to support them,on an ongoing basis,We are planning to return to Haiti,specifically to provide,outpatient,OBGYN clinic,to the residents,Grace Village, Health Education,in the planning process,to make this happen successfully,I was able to assess,some of their most urgent needs,three priorities for the Village are,Tools,construction, cleaning,a sustaining effort,keep the village clean, respectable, Education, training, sustainable effort,regards to health, job,Healthcare,monthly providers,coming,on an ongoing basis,this will be quite an undertaking, my organization is committed,see this through,the next 10-20 years,whatever it takes,to get the job done,in detail,regarding this effort ,how best to strategize,for support from the USA, Congress, White house,Kenya,the Relief Mission,World Conference,of Mayors,The National,Conference of Black Mayors,membership list,updated,dispatch the letter,to use as a tool,their own marketing, promotional,fundraising efforts,moving forward in a meaningful way,to secure financial, subsistence, construction,medical aid and support,the next mission,as soon as we can,unite to raise,the necessary items,tap into the resources of,the USAIDS,the National Medical Association,make great progress in securing,bi-weekly missions,various needed areas around the World,provide support and organize continued relief efforts for financial donations, to deliver much needed medical support and supplies, to our working together on relief missions here in America and globally,exploring the possibility,of a telethon,J. C. Watts,Black Television,News Channel,is prepared to provide,full support to your and our joint efforts,to overcome the continual need for financial assistance,to achieve our goals, proposed telethon,joint and several fundraising efforts,a goal of working together,projects of mutual interest and support,South America, Central America,Abdul-Jalil,Aaron Wallace Foundation,World Conference of Mayors,WCM,The National Conference of Black Mayors,NCBM,your incredible,expedient work,arranging the,Haitian,Relief effort,Dr. Kenya,Numan,Stepping,Together,Grace,Village,humanitarian,Arch Bishop,Joel Jeune, organization,Grace International,the Carrefour district, of Port-au-Prince, Haiti,Arch Bishop Jeune,Lee,Variety ,Dr.,Numan,her crew,on the ground, in Haiti,communicating with,the Arch Bishop,at the Village,Herculean effort,rearrange, logistics,reroute,the mission,to the Village,people in such great need,All of us,the WCM,NCBM,owe,etern