Marshawn Lynch’s Quiet Power Behind Seahawks’ Super Run

EDITOR’S NOTE: Michael Silver wrote this piece after an exclusive interview with Marshawn Lynch last week, when the running back wasn’t sure if he would attend Super Bowl XLVIII Media Day. On Tuesday, Lynch did indeed appear at the event to briefly speak with the assembled media before spending some additional time with NFL Network’s …
Continue reading Marshawn Lynch’s Quiet Power Behind Seahawks’ Super Run

“How a Grieving Family Saved A Troubled City with A Martyr”

“How a Grieving Family Saved A Troubled City with A Martyr”

The year 2009 began with a tragedy at an Oakland BART station. Shortly after 2 a.m. on New Year’s Day, BART police Officer Johannes Mehserle shot and killed 22-year-old Oscar Grant II, of Hayward, on the platform of the Fruitvale station after responding to reports of a fight on a train.

“Make no mistake about it Oscar Grant was Murdered, Executed by a BART cop!” That was the echoing sentiment boiling up from among the justifiably angry, restless community of Oakland and the surrounding communities that spread world wide as video of Oscar Grants execution was blared over and over on television screens all around the world. It had become the quintessential poster for the ultimate example of Police misconduct and abuse- a lawless execution as the Black victim lay face-down on the ground, hands behind his back, shot, then handcuffed as he dies- all caught on cameras for the world to see!

Also caught on camera for the world to see was the public reaction to the execution that led to violent protests, as the public “showed their outrage” with the costly destruction of property to areas around town.

The gunman police officer was allowed to go free, traveled outside the state of California until he was charged with murder and appended in Nevada after National public protest forced the District Attorney to file criminal charges. His attorney has argued he meant to fire his Taser gun when he shot and killed Grant.

Fruitvale Station
In the early hours of Jan. 1, 2009, Oscar Grant III, unarmed and lying face down on a subway platform in Oakland, Calif., was shot in the back by a white Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer. The incident, captured on video by onlookers, incited protest, unrest and arguments similar to those that would swirl around the killing of Trayvon Martin in Florida a few years later. The deaths of these and other African-American young men (Mr. Grant was 22) touch some of the rawest nerves in the body politic and raise thorny and apparently intractable issues of law and order, violence and race.

Fruitvale Station, Michael B. Jordan and Ariana Neal play father and daughter in this debut feature by Ryan Coogler, which opens on Friday in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Mr. Jordan plays Oscar Grant, who was killed by a Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer.
Those matters are hardly absent from “Fruitvale Station,” Ryan Coogler’s powerful and sensitive debut feature, which imaginatively reconstructs the last 24 or so hours of Oscar Grant’s life, flashing back from a horrifying snippet of actual cellphone video of the hectic moments before the shooting. But Mr. Coogler, a 27-year-old Bay Area native who went to film school at the University of Southern California, examines his subject with a steady, objective eye and tells his story in the key of wise heartbreak rather than blind rage. It is not that the movie is apolitical or disengaged from the painful, public implications of Mr. Grant’s fate. But everything it has to say about class, masculinity and the tricky relations among different kinds of people in a proudly diverse and liberal metropolis is embedded in details of character and place.

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Presents: “Entourage” in Trader Joe’s “Tribute to Legends of Jazz” Show!

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Presents: “Entourage” in Trader Joe’s “Tribute to Legends of Jazz” Show!
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation,¿eX-whY AdVentures?,Presents,James Ahmed Rasheed,Entourage,Trader Joes’s,Capt.,Randy Holland,drums,Tribute to Legends of Jazz Show, May,2012, 2:00 PM,4:00 PM,Trader,Joes’s, 2742 Pinole Valley Road, Pinole,#occupyoakland, #OWS, Pain, signatures, 106th Ave, 11 other musicians to form Zongo Junction, 11th St, 14th Ave, 1972, 20 year, 24/7, 25th season, 4 Minutes, 80′s, @amwft, @nowtruth, a best-seller, a blues-drenched gem that swings with dazzling aplomb, a commentary, a complaint against, a four-alarm fire, A girl I can love forever, a Harlem Renaissance Award, a holiday tradition, a huge success, a letter from me to my fans about what’s going on in my life, a lost art, a memorable concert, a modern nine-piece afrobeat band, a movie from Focus Features about the life of Fela was made for release in 2010, a musician from Nigeria, a night like no other, a series of, a shrine was built in his honor, a spectacle to be remembered, A Tribe Called Quest, A.M.E., A.M.E. Oakland Mass Choir, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, about a failed romantic relationship, About Jazz, about the way relationships should go, acclaimed, accomplished, accomplishing, Accra, achieved platinum status, acknowledging, across the expanse, acting, activism, Actor, Adam Coopersmith, adaptation, administratively, adopted, African highlife music, African-American, African-American youth, Afro, afrobeat, afrobeat pioneer, against political corruption in his native country, age of 14, ahead of its time, ajalil, Al, Al Green, al-Hakim removed, Alameda, Alameda City Manager, Alameda County, Alameda County district attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, album, album debut, All, All About Jazz, Allen Stone, already well and truly assured, alumni, america, Amiri Baraka, among many other honors, Amp Live,, An All-Star Tribute to Maze, an analyst, an example, an icon, and current District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley, anthem, anticipated, Antonio Dixon, apartheid, appellation, appointed, appointment, Arabic word, Architects, ARE NOT the constituents, Ariel Vento, around the world, Arrested Development, arsenal, Art, art form, artist, artists face, at the forefront, At the same time, Atlantic Records, atmospheric, attend music programs, attended, ATTENTION, attorney, Attorneys, audacious, Avant, Average White Band, away, AWB, Babyface, backstabbing, Badu, Baduizm, ballads, band, band members, Banks, bare his emotions, bargain away, bassist, Baton Rouge, Bay Area, Bay Area hip hop, Bay Area production, Be there or be square, beat-boxer back, beating him badly, beatmasters, beautiful, Becca Burrington, becomes real, Bedrock, before evolving, began getting airplay, beginnings, believed her original name to be her ‘slave’ name, beloved, Ben Harper, Ben Vereen, Benny Green, Berkeley High School Jazz Ensemble, Berklee College of Music, Best Choreography, Best Costume Design for a Musical, best jazzwomen, Best Sound Design for a Musical, Beyonce, beyond, Big Band, BIG BUSINESS INTEREST, Bilal, Billboard, Billboard’s, blend of old soul, bluesmen, bob dylan, Bob Marley, bodies, Body Police, book, Booker T. and the MGs, bootlicking, Born and raised, born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Born Kevin Moore, Boston, Brandy, Break Ya Back, Brian Culbertson, brightest, bring a message of faith, Bringing across another character was so much fun, Broadway show, Broadway the following year, broken down, Brooklyn, Brooklyn’s, Brownsville Express, Bryson, building, bus stop, But if she kissed him, but lips don’t lie, but you don’t want to come off like you’re trying to be someone else, by Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, by virtue of, Ca., California State Appeals Court, California Supreme Court, Cambridge Folk Fest 2004, cameo, can do no wrong, Can I Make Love, Can’t Dodge Fraud, capable of stirring the deepest emotions, Capitol, career, career-evolving, Carl Thomas, Carolyn Walter, carpet baggers, Carson, case, cast of characters, cause, cause the demise of a relationship, caused by, caution to the fellas, cautionary tale, cautious message, CDBaby, celebrates, celebrities, cemented its status, Center for the Arts, center stage, Change It All, Change Me, change the spelling of her name, chart-toppers, chicago, Choreographed, chose to cover it up, chosen to pay homage, Chris Brown, Christina Aguilera, christmas, Christy Dana, church-honed, cinematic, city, City Attorney’s from Oakland, Civil Gang Injunctions, claiming, classic, classic soul, classic tale, clergy, Cleveland, Cleveland School of the Arts, close friends, Closer, club debu, club jam, co-produced, co-wrote, cohesiveness, collection of all original down home, collectively, color and culture, Colors, Colors of Christmas, commitment, community, company, complex style of music, compromised by, concentrate on her music, concert, concerts and presentations annually, Conductor, constant three year barrage, contemporary jazz artist, contemporary music, contemporary R&B, contingent of established, continued, continued Corruption, cooperation, Corruption, Corruption Charges, cosmic connection, cosmic unit of energy, could have been avoided, Councilmen Reid, country’s most artistically adventurous, County, court, court order, Courthouse, cover of, cover up, crafted, crafts, created by Bill T. Jones, created his own dance, creative force in nature, Creative Partners, credits, Critics, Cronyism, Crooked former Oakland City Attorney John Russo, croons, crowds, Crystal Bryant, CSAA, Culbertson, culture of corruption, curfew, curfews, Curran Theatre, current mission, D. A. Bob Conner, D.C., DA, Dallas, Damon Thomas, Dan Siegle, dance, dancing at every show, Darker Side Of The Moon, Dave Brandwein, Dave Chappelle, David E. Talbert, David Grisman, David Grisman Quintet, Davies, Davies Symphony Hall, day-to-day, DC, Dead Prez, debacle, debut album, decided to be a musician, decided to sign, declares, deep rhythm, Def Poetry Jam, defies, DeLaFuente, demo, denial of justice, deny justice, depending on the advice, Deputy District Attorney Kevin Dunleavy, derives from, destined to become, destroying his studio, Detroit, developer partners, did Mayor Ron Dellums or City Attorney John Russo investigate the many alleged charges of abuse against former Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts before they hired him and was that a factor, die-hard fans, different textures of music excite me, directed, director, director Jeffery Williams, disavow their very own ethnic orientation, disenfranchised, disposed, distributed, District, District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, diverse acts, dj culture, do not represent their interest, documents the incredible true story of Fela Kuti, dominate, don’t ever take a romantic relationship for granted, double crooked, doubles as, Drama Desk, dramatically portrayed, draws on his inner, Dreamgirls, drew close comparisons, driving piano riff, drummer, drummer Charles Ferguson, Duke Ellington, duplicitous, dvd, Dwele, dynamic performances, D’Angelo, E-40, each new album, early youth, echoing the frustration felt by the people of the East Bay Area, eclectic mix of funk influences, Ecstasy, Edmonds, effortlessly, Elbo Room, elected officials, electrifying, electro-pop funk, eliminated, Ellen Seeling, Ellia English, embodies the wealth of Brooklyn’s musical diversity, emergency, emerging, emerging artist, emotionally powerful, Emotionally told though music, employ black gospel music, energetic, engineered, entire good of some lives, entitled, EP, Eric Dawkins, Erica to Erykah, Erica Wright, Erika Oba, Erykah, Erykah Badu, Erykah Free, Essence, essential African-American legacy, et al, ethereal, evaluating, Even Closer, eventually, EVERY act of difference, evidence by al-Hakim, Ex-Why, expanding his creative horizons, explain, exposed California, exposed Govenor Jerry Brown Covering up, exposing Presiding Judge Jon Rolfenson, exposure of the criminal actions, express the power of spirit, fact laden reports of fraud and corruption, families, fans, Fantasia, fantasy, fear factor, featured, features, features the incredible legacy of music he left behind, featuring, featuring Frankie Beverly, Feel My Soul, feel-good, Feels like I’m walking on water, Fela, Fela also tried to run for President in Nigeria’s first elections in over ten years, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Fela died in 1997, Fela will live forever, Fela! has been nominated for 11 Tony Awards, Fela! was first performed off-Broadway in 2008, Fela’s mother was killed during the attack, Fela’s music was re-released, fellow soulster, festive costumes, fighting, Filipina singer and actress, Fillmore Street, finally arrived on the big stage, finger-snappin, first act signed, first album, following Oakland’s lead, for gentrifying the inner-city, Force of Nature, FORCED OUT, forced to resign, Forecast, formal Corruption Fraud Complaint, former City Attorney John Russo, former District Attorney Tom Orloff, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams, Forum, fought for civil rights, Founded in 1911, founding members, Fourth album, framework, Frank Vignola Duo, fraud, FREE TICKETS, free-styling, fresh collaborators, fresh energy, from the comfort of your home, from the deep South, full length, function as one organic, funk, Funkadelic, funkiest, fused with, fusing many different styles, gained underground respect, gained visibility, Galapagos Arts Center, Galaxy Smith Digital Media Collective,, gang related, Gave Case File To Stephan Barber, gave me the drive, Gaye, Geary St, Geffen, Genny Lim, Geoff Hoyle, George Lucas, german, get-down, gets audiences riled up, Ghana, Gil Scott-Heron, Gil Scott-Herron, given away, giving back, GOAPELE, gold-certified, gone on air, Goodbye, Gospel Ensemble, Grammy Foundation, Grammy nominations, grandparents, Grant Green, great, Great American Music Hall, gritty funk instrumentals, gritty takes on tunes, groove, grooves, grown artistically as a unit, Guiding, guitarist, Had Enough, hailed as, Hakim, hang, Harry Belafonte, Harvey Mason Jr., has enriched the police department with over $12 million, has over 87, has won three, hbo, he was also described as a combination of James Brown, he was suppose to Investigate, headlining, heart, heavy brand of raw funk power, helmed, help of Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith, Henry, Henry St. Clair Fredericks, her cousin, her effort to prompt a conflict of interest charge, her popularity increased dramatically, Heralded, high energy funk band, high-profile gigs, highlight, highlights, hip hop, hip-hop crews, hip-hop side of R&B, his best loved tunes, his career progressed, his music, his music got more political, his musical and political legacy still live on strong, hits, holiday hits, Holliday, holocaust, home town, hope, Hot 16, Hot 8 Brass Band, Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, http://NowTruth.Org/, hypnotic flow, I finally found someone, I have to say, I Want Tickets, I won’t be complacent, Ignacio, Ignacio DeLaFuente, imagery, implored others, implores everyone, impossible is easy to do, In a nutshell, in his own right, in solidarity and union, in the 1960-70′s re-evolution, In the Nick of Tyme, in the vein, inability, include, included, increasingly digital world, India.Arie, individual talents, individuals, Influence, influence peddlers, influenced by Nigerian superstar, informing all, infusion, injunction, injunction/curfew, innovative arts institutions, inspiration behind, inspired, inspired by the force, inspired solos, instrumentation, Insurance Companies, intimate understanding, introduced, Introduced by, intuitive whole, investigate, investigation of corruption, irrefutable evidence, Irreplaceable, is to be considered worthless and disposable, Ise Lyfe, Ishmael Reed Band, isn’t afraid, It has been said that hip-hop would not exist without Fela’s music, It’s free and communal, it’s a perfect disguise, it’s about giving people great music, It’s OK if she said she was out with her girls, it’s time to create another, I’m always fighting to go further, I’m just getting started, I’m not where I want to be yet, I’m out to raise, I’ve got that niche, Jada Pinkett Smith, jam, James Brown, James Poyser, Jamie Foxx, Jamiroquai, Jay-Z, jazz, jazz and hip-hop, Jazziz Magazine, JBs, Jean Fineberg, Jeff Bhasker, Jeffery Williams, Jennifer, Jennifer Holliday, Jennifer Hudson, Jill Scott, joining, Jones, Joshua Redman, journey, joy to the country, Judge Jon Tigar, Judges, judicial, JUNCTION, justice, Justin Timberlake, kah, Kajun, Kasey Knudsen, Keb, Keb’ Mo, Keith Carson, KeKe Wyatt, Kelly Clarkson, Kennedy Center, Kenny, Keri Hilson, keyboards, Keyshia Cole, Kim, Kiss, Kiss Goodbye, Knitting Factory, know, known to al-Hakim, KRS-One, KT Nelson, la, label, labeled the recording, lady, laments, language, languid, Larry, Larry Reid, latest album, Lauryn Hill, law enforcement, law firm, Le Poisson Rouge, Lea, Lea Salonga, Lea Salonga-Chien, lead single, lead to, Leathers, Leela James, Legacy Entertainment, Legal, legend, legendary Billie Holiday, legendary performances, Leslie Ann Jones, letter, Lil Wayne, lilting tenor, Linda Perry, line, links, Listen, listening, live shows received continual praise, live television feed, living link, local radio station, long been known for, los angeles, losing, loss, Love, love ballads, love child, Love Me Right, love songs, Ludacris, lush, lust, Luther Vandross, lyrics, MA, MacArthur Blvd., Mad Duran, madcap characters, made himself a witness in this case, Maggie Takeda, Magic Johnson, Magic Johnson Music, maintaining the status quo, Makin’ Good Love, Malcolm Jamaal Werner, man, Mara Fox, Margery Williams, Marian McPartland, Marin County, Marina Garza, Marshall, Marshall Leathers, Martin Luther, Marvin, marvin gaye, Mary J. Blige, Mary Lou, Mary Lou Williams Festival, Maryland, mass fraud, masterpiece, Maxwell, Maybe I Deserve, MCA, McKinley Morganfield, means, melding traditional West African rhythms with Funk, melodic, members, meticulous sharpshooters including pianist, mid-tempo, mid-tempo groove, Mike City, Mike Tiger, millions of dollars, Minority, Miriam Makeba, Miss Saigon, Mission Street, Missy Elliott, mixes, MJM, MJM debut album, MO, modern R&B, Montclair, Montclair Women’s, Montclair Women’s Big Band, mood, mood-setting number, Moore, more rampant corruption, morning-after, Morris Chesnut, mos def, most are reacting, move the concerned, moved to New York after High School, Movement, MPC, MTT, much to the chagrin of the Nigerian government, Muddy Waters, Muhammad Ali, multi-cultural membership, multi-faceted, multi-racial, multiple styles, murder, Music, Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas, music from the great Ellington songbook, music that will make you want to dance in the aisles, musical, musical film, musical message, musical roots, Musicians, music’s mainstream, Must Resign, MWBB, My First Love, my struggles as a man, my the admissions made by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley to him, My Thoughts, N’dambi, Nancy, National Public Radio, natural creative force, naturally, nba, Nepotism, Network, NEVER return, Never thought it would happen for me, new, new compositions, new heights, new school, new team, new technology, new voice of ghetto soul, new voice of modern soul, New Year’s, new york city, New York University, New York’s most illustrious venues, Nicole Sherzinger, Night Life, Nina Simone, NO MORE, No. 4 hit, nor represent, notes, Nothing in This World, Novellus Theater, November, now famous, Now or Never, now the whole world is chanting the same tune, now we have to show more action, NowTruth.Org, number one syndicated show, nursery rabbit, O, O’Malley, Oakland, Oakland City Attorney John Russo, Oakland City Attorney Resigns, Oakland City Councilmen, Oakland Interfaith, Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble, Oakland Mass Choir, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, Oakland Police Department, Oakland Police Department has FAILED to comply with the Federal Mandate to meet MINIMUM agreed upon standards to fight corruption, Obie, Occupy, Occupy Communities, OCCUPY Movements, OCCUPY OAKLAND, OCCUPY RE-EVOLUTION, OCCUPY WALL STREET, Occupyers, ODC, ODC/Dance, Olivier, Omar Sosa Afreecanos Quartet, Omarion, Once you hit a plateau, one of America’s most exciting contemporary dance companies, one of the most formidable jazz ensembles on the West Coast, one of the presumed reasons for Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts resigning, One question being asked now, ongoing case, ongoing evolution, online community, open for, or his music, Orchestra, orchestral, ordered al-Hakim, orginal 5-member band, Orgone, original instrumentals, original keyboardist, originally, originating the lead role, Oscar Grant, other producers, Outer Critics, outstanding soloists, over a million people came to the funeral chanting, overall Minority Youth Community, owned and controlled by developers, P-Funk, pairing up, Parents, partner, partner in crime, partnered with, party, pattern, Peabo, Peabo Bryson, peace, Pentagon, people they do not talk to, perfect amount of holiday cheer, perfomance, Performers, performing in a hip-hop act, performing traditional Christmas favorites, personnel, Peter Apfelbaum, pianist, Piano Jazz, pink, pink floyd, pioneered Afro beat music, place amongst today’s elite female soul artists of the world, planet, platinum, platinum-certified albums, played together for years, playing music together virtually since they were all still in diapers, playlists, playwright, Please be advised that Fela! has loud sound effects, Please Don’t Go, political, political activist, Political Suicide, politically and socially inspired songs, pop hits, positive change, post, power brokers, powerful narration, predecessors, premier male vocalists, prepares to release, primary sound, Prince, Private Room, problems, proclaim widely and loudly, produced, produced by, Producer, producer and songwriter, producers, production team, project, promote action, proof, proud to present, Public Assembly, publicly denounce, quiet melody, R&B, R&B classic, R&B hit, R&B legend Frankie Beverly, R&B music, R. Kelly, Rachelle Ferrell, radio, radio station, radio-friendly, ranks, re-emerging, Reaching No. 1, Read Your Mind, ready to ascend, Real Estate, real estate developers dream tools, realities of life, realm, recorded, recorded by, recording, Records, refused to investigate it, regarding the incident where she had al-Hakim removed from the D. A.’s office while sitting alone in the lobby waiting for a meeting, Reid, Reid was served, Reid’s developers serving claims, relatable introspections, release, remarkable successes, René & Angela, renewed confidence, repeatedly, represent, Rescue, resenting that media manipulation, residency, resourceswar, returned the favor, revealed, revealing, revelation, revelatory, revitalized, rhythm section, rhythms, Richard Nichols, right, rigorously blended for high mileage and maximum pleasure, Riverside, Rolling Stone, romance, romantic, romantic crooner, romantic liaison, rooted sense, Ropers Majeski, Roscoe Mitchell, Roy Hargrove, Rubben Studdard, Russ Gold, Russell Simmons, Russo, Ruth Davies, Sa-Ra, Sade, Salonga, same stance taken, san francisco, San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco Symphony, San Leandro, Sandre Swanson, Sarah Cline, Saul Williams, saxes, saying, says, scoring, seamlessly, searing live sets, See you done got a lot of passes, segued, select group of singers, self schooled, self-explanatory, self-titled, self-titled album, sellouts, seminal Delta blues, sensational singers, sense of humor, sense of swing, sensual, Separated, serene, serious crime, serve as a model for what is possible among all people, settles, several musical shows showcasing his story and life hit the stage, sex, Sex Music, Sex Room, sexy, SFS, shamelessly, shape their musical voice, Shawn ”Jay-Z“ Carter, She made this order without any legal proceeding, she won, She won’t show it, shift, Sick of waiting on you to change, sign the Petition To The Honorables President Barack Obama, signifies the inner self, Silky Soul Music, Simmering, simply reach out and talk, sing, singer, singer and actress, singer-songwriter, singers, Sitswana, six-month trip to Ghana, sixth album, Skies Wide Open, skillfully works his way through, skills, Skyblaze Recordings, Skylight studios, Skywalker Sound, SLIM’S, Slim’s for our annual Christmas tradition, smoke and haze effects, Snoop Dog, so-called, so-called power brokers, social, sold out, sold out audience, something to remember, Song Dynasty, songs, songstress, songwriter, sordid, soul, Soul from the U.S., Soul Sista, soul vocals, soulful, souls, sound, sounds from all over the board, soundtrack, sources have confirmed, South African, South Los Angeles, spin records, spinning it, spirit, spiritual, stage name, standing up, Stars, started calling his music Afrobeat in the late sixties, state-of-the-art, stations, stereotypes, Stevie Wonder, storied tradition, story-telling lyrics, storytelling, stresses, stretch his vocal wings, strict categorization, strobe effects, successfully managed, such talent as, Suitcase, sullied, Superior, Superstarmanagement, surname, survivors, Sutter St., sweet, swept America, Swing, Symphony, Symphony Hall, Taj Mahal, taking land from the poor, talented, talented producers, Talib Kweli, Talking Heads, talking our way out, Tammy Hall, Tank, Taylor Shell, teach children how to sing and dance, tell them what’s going on in your life, Terry Dexter, texas, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving celebration, that corruption, that cry, That Dude, that establishes the admitted fraud committed by the D.A.’s office for over 20 years, that resulted in the only conviction of police officers crimes committed while on duty, that’s your kiss goodbye, the 13-piece ensemble, the annual Colors of Christmas concerts, The band, the band combines, The band was conceived, the Bay, The Broadway experience can be like sitting with blinders on, The Cannabinoids, The Coup, the courthouse, the creator of Fela!, The cry at ALL the Occupy events world-wide, The dabbling in other genres inspires my writing, the Developers, the documentary, The Duke Ellington Orchestra, the enduring power of love, The ensemble, The Game, The High School TourThe High School Tour, the hip hop generation, the hit single, the late, The Letter, the male equivalent, the media, the melodic backdrop, the Meters, The Minority, The mood shifts, The music of Duke Ellington, The music of Fela has also been provided by Antibalas, The musical Fela! is an incredible explosion of music, the MWBB, The New School, the next step, the North Oakland Gang Injunction HAS FAILED to reduce crime in any way, the, The Occupy Movement, the Occupyers, The Pentagon, the people of the Oakland East Bay Area, The Political Struggles of Fela, The Preacher’s Kid, The principal purpose, the principles of equality, the recording, The Regency Ballroom, the Reid Gang, the rights and interests, The Roots, the San Francisco Symphony, the singer wrote and released the single, the singer’s, the song, the sounds of his native country, the streets, the Team, The tickets, The Triumph of Fela, The Underdogs, The Velveteen Rabbit, the voice of modern soul, The World, The world witnessed as Oakland revolted and burned, theatre studies, Theatre World awards, their bagmen, their individual hits, their life, their shared inspirations, then Attorney General Jerry Brown, these self-perceived, they acknowledge that being Black in America, they are law enforcement, they constantly connive, This album, this didn’t quiet Fela, This is a show you enjoy as much with your body as with your mind, this is premium-grade big band jazz, this matter, those whom have voiced their opinions with their frustrations in a varied manner of ways, three-time Grammy winner, through, through situations, throwing away, tied together, Tiffany Carrico, tight ensemble work, Tim Grace, timeless music, to avoid having to investigate and prosecute the complaint, to exemplify through interfaith, to manifest truth and light, to the world, to write, toe-tappin, Tony, top 10 singles, top 20 single, top 5, top five hit, top-rated, tough, toured Europe, tracks, tracks comprising, tradition, traditional xylophone technique, transcend time, transcendental, translated from Muslim, traveled up the Mississippi River, Trey Songz, tried to place al-Hakim in a life threatening situation, trivialize, trombones, trombonists, trumpeters, trumpets, Turkuaz, turncoats, Twitter, two-time Grammy Award winning, Uncle Tom, under the threat of arrest, underbelly, underground, unique relationship between a little boy and his stuffed rabbit, uniquely tangible, United States Attorney General Eric Holder, unity, universal life force, universally celebrated, university, unrest, unsheathes, urban, urban radio, Usher, Van Ness Ave., Velveteen Rabbit, versatile, Verve, Verve Forecast, very successful session musician, veteran producer, Vibe, victim, video of al-Hakim, violence, vivid cast, vivid storytelling, voicemail, void, waiting for a meeting, Waking up late with you on my mind, Walking on Water, want-to-be-leaders, wants the injunction/curfews, was initially going to be a doctor, Washington, Watch the story with video and documents, Watch video of al-Hakim, We are ALL Oscar Grant, Website, wedding, well received from the start, well-worn, We’ve been used to, WGCI, what eventually became known as his own distinct, what you write to people, what’s going through my head, When I’m with you, Where Did We Go, which continued to infuriate the government, while al-Hakim, Who are they protecting and why, who attacked the commune where Fela lived, Will Bernard, Will Smith, Williams, Williams College, Williamsburg, Williamstown, without sacrificing, without sounding boring, Wiz Khalifa, woman’s desire, Women’s Big Band, won a MacArthur Genius Award, worked with, world, world-class ensemble, woven into the fabric of this country’s artistic legacy, writes, wrote the play book, Wyatt, XII album, xzwhy, YBCA, Yerba Buena, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, yet claim to bargain and speak for them, Yoshi’s, Yoshisjazz, you can watch, You don’t want to let your fans down, you know it’s a lie, You Mean that Much, you want to stay relevant, You won’t know it, young hip-hop duo, young player, Youth, Yvonne Line, Zion I, ZONGO, Zongo Junction

Oakland Council Candidate Ignorantcio De Vil Fuente True Gang Boss Don Coontoon

Oakland Council Candidate Ignorantcio De Vil Fuente True Gang Boss Don Coontoon
#occupyoakland, #OWS, 000 signatures, 106th Ave, 14th Ave, 20 year, 24/7, @nowtruth, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, abuse, administratively, African-American youth, Al, al-hakim, Alameda, Alameda City Manager, Alameda County, Alameda County district attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, Alex Stuart, an analyst, and current District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley, answer, Appellate Judges, appointed, appointment, Archer Norris, ARE NOT the constituents, around the world, Assemblyman Sandre Swanson, Assistant District Attorney Kevin Dunleavey, ASU Group, atmosphere of unfairness, attorney, Attorneys, away, backstabbing, bad faith, Banks, bargain away the rights and interests, Bay Area Carpet Cleaning, beginnings, Bentley, BIG BUSINESS INTEREST, Bishop Keith Clark, Black Women Organized for Political Action, Bob Connor, bootlicking, Bradley Bening, by Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, by the admissions made by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley to him, California Chapter, California Constitution, California Judges Association, California State Appeals Court, California State Bar Association, California Supreme Court, Can’t Dodge Fraud, carpet baggers, Carson, case, cast of characters, cause, challenge for cause, charges, Chief of Staff, chose to cover it up, city, City Attorney Candidate Barbara Parker, City Attorney’s from Oakland, Civil Gang Injunctions, claiming, Cleaveland, clergy, community, compromised by, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, constant three year barrage, continued Corruption, COON, Coontoon, Corruption, Corruption Charges, could have been avoided, Councilmen Reid, County, court, court order, Courthouse Building, courtroom, cover up, Crone Rozynko, Cronyism, Crooked former Oakland City Attorney John Russo, CSAA, culture of corruption, curfew, curfews, D. A. Bob Conner, D. L. Glaze, DA, Dan Siegle, Daniel Crowley & Associates, David C. Lee, debacle, deceitful, DeLaFuente, demean, Democratic Party, denial of justice, deny justice, Department of Child Support Services, depending on the advice, Deputy District Attorney Kevin Dunleavy, developer partners, developers serving claims, did Mayor Ron Dellums or City Attorney John Russo investigate, disavow their very own ethnic orientation, disenfranchised, displayed disdain, disposed, disposition, District, District Attorney Matt Golde, District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, District Attorney Officer, do not represent their interest, double crooked, dramatically portrayed, dream, due process, duplicitous, echoing the frustration felt by the people, elected officials, Eliada Perez, eliminated, Elizabeth Allen, entire good of some lives, et al, evaluating, EVERY act of difference, evidence by al-Hakim, exposed California, exposed Govenor Jerry Brown Covering up, exposing Presiding Judge Jon Rolfenson, exposure of the criminal actions, expressed a fixed opinion, fact laden reports of fraud and corruption, families, fighting, following Oakland’s lead, for gentrifying the inner-city, FORCED OUT, forced to resign, Forcibly Removed, formal Corruption Fraud Complaint, former City Attorney John Russo, former District Attorney Tom Orloff, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams, Frank Roesch, fraud, from the comfort of your home, gang related, Gave Case File To Stephan Barber, George Bush, George Hernandez, Gil Scott-Herron, given away millions of dollars, gone on air, Gordon & Rees, Grancell, Grand Jury, great, Hakim, has enriched the police department with over $12 million, has over 100, he was suppose to Investigate, hearing, Henry Needham, her effort to prompt a conflict of interest charge, Hon. Alice Spearman, Hon. Darleen Brooks, Hon. Darryl Moore, Hon. Desley Brooks, Hon. Kathy Neal, Hon. Marlon McWilson, http://NowTruth.Org/, humiliate, Ignacio DeLaFuente, Ignarantcio De Vil Fuente Coontoon, Ignorantcio De Vil Fuente, in solidarity and union, in the 1960-70′s re-evolution, individuals, Influence, influence peddlers, injunction, injunction/curfew, Insurance Companies, investigate, investigation of corruption, irrefutable evidence, is to be considered worthless and disposable, Jackson Alternative Dispute Resolution, jail, James Richman, Jane Williams, Janie Wong, Joel K. Liberson, Johannes Mehserle, John Russo, JonTigar, Judge, Judge Jon Tigar, Judge Leo Dorado, Judges, judicial, Judicial Council, Justice Department, Kehilla Community Synagogue, Keith Carson, Killers, Kings Dream, know, known to al-Hakim, Kohn, Larry Reid, law enforcement, law firm, Lebovitz, Legal, Leo Dorado, lied under oath, Listen, live television feed, long been known for, losing, Lousy Larry Greed, lying under oath, MacArthur Blvd., made himself a witness in this case, Maggie Takeda, maintaining the status quo, Majeski, malice, many alleged charges of abuse against former Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts before they hired him, Martin Luther King Jr., mass fraud, mental attitude, Michael Ballachey, Michael Tigar, Minister Keith Muhammad, Minority, mistreatment, Mitt Romney, most are reacting, murder, Murray, Must Resign, Nancy, Nation of Islam, Native American, Nepotism, NEVER return, nor represent, NowTruth.Org, O’Malley, Oakland, Oakland City Attorney, Oakland City Attorney John Russo, Oakland City Attorney Resigns, Oakland City Councilmen, Oakland Council Candidate, Oakland East Bay Area, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, Oakland Police Department, Oakland Police Department has FAILED to comply with the Federal Mandate to meet MINIMUM agreed upon standards to fight corruption, objected, Occupiers, Occupy, Occupy Communities, OCCUPY Movements, OCCUPY OAKLAND, OCCUPY RE-EVOLUTION, OCCUPY WALL STREET, Occupyers, one of the presumed reasons for Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts resigning, One question being asked now, ongoing case, opinion, ordered al-Hakim, Oscar Grant, overall Minority Youth Community, owned and controlled by developers, partner, partner in crime, Patricia Smith, people they do not talk to, perjury, Pledge of Allegiance, Political Suicide, post, Poverty Pimps, power brokers, Presiding, problems, proclaim widely and loudly, promised retaliation, provoke, publicly denounce, Rabbi David Copper, rampant corruption, Randy Hall, Randy Willoughby, Real Estate, real estate developers dream tools, Redeem, refused to investigate it, regarding the incident, Reid was served a complaint, repeatedly, represent, Rescue, resenting that media manipulation, Resolution, Rev. Dr. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Dr. Kevin Barnes, Rev. Zachary Carey, revealed, revelation, Richard Hodge, right to a fair hearing, Rodney Brooks, Rodney King, Ronald G. Overholt, Ronald M. George, Ropers, Ropers Majeski, Rosa Parks, same stance taken, San Francisco Chapter, San Leandro, Sandre Swanson, saying NO MORE, Sell Out, sellouts, serious crime, shamelessly, she had al-Hakim removed from the D. A.’s office while sitting alone in the lobby waiting for a meeting, She made this order without any legal proceeding, sign the Petition To The Honorables President Barack Obama, so-called, so-called power brokers, sordid, sources have confirmed, spinning it, standing up, strikes, Stuart & Bening, sullied, Superior, Superior Court, swept America, taking land from the poor, that corruption, that establishes the admitted fraud committed by the D.A.’s office for over 20 years, that resulted in the only conviction of police officers crimes committed while on duty, the Bay, The Black Elected Officials and Faith Based Leaders, The California Branch of the NAACP, the courthouse, The cry at ALL the Occupy events world-wide, the Developers, the late, The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, the media, The Minority, the North Oakland Gang Injunction HAS FAILED to reduce crime in any way, the, The Oakland Branch of the NAACP, The Occupy Movement, the Occupyers, the Reid Gang, the whole world is chanting the same tune, The World, The world witnessed as Oakland revolted and burned, their bagmen, their life, then Attorney General Jerry Brown, these self-perceived, they acknowledge that being Black in America, they are law enforcement, they constantly connive, those whom have voiced their opinions with their frustrations in a varied manner of ways, throwing away, to avoid having to investigate and prosecute the complaint, tried to place al-Hakim in a life threatening situation, trivialize, True Gang Boss Don, turncoats, Uncle Tom, under the threat of arrest, underbelly, unethical behavior, United States Attorney General Eric Holder, United States Constitution, unrest, Valgeria Harvey, Victim, Victoria Henley, video of al-Hakim, violates, violence, voicemail, void, want-to-be-leaders, wants the injunction/curfews, was that a factor in his resigning, Washington, Watch the story with video and documents, Watch video of al-Hakim, We are ALL Oscar Grant, Website, Who are they protecting and why, willful misconduct, Willoughby, Wilson Elser, www.nowtruth.orgOakland City Council Candidates, yet claim to bargain and speak for them, Yolanda Northridge, you can watch, Youth

Oakland Council Candidate Lousy Larry Greid & Police Victim Alan Blueford Coontoon, OPD Gang Blue Meanies got’em!

Oakland Council Candidate Lousy Larry Greid & Police Victim Alan Blueford Coontoon, OPD Gang Blue Meanies got’em!
#occupyoakland, #OWS, 000 signatures, 106th Ave, 14th Ave, 20 year, 24/7, @nowtruth, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, abuse, administratively, African-American youth, Al, al-hakim, Alameda, Alameda City Manager, Alameda County, Alameda County district attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, Alex Stuart, an analyst, and current District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley, answer, Appellate Judges, appointed, appointment, Archer Norris, ARE NOT the constituents, around the world, Assemblyman Sandre Swanson, Assistant District Attorney Kevin Dunleavey, ASU Group, atmosphere of unfairness, attorney, Attorneys, away, backstabbing, bad faith, Banks, bargain away the rights and interests, Bay Area Carpet Cleaning, beginnings, Bentley, BIG BUSINESS INTEREST, Bishop Keith Clark, Black Women Organized for Political Action, Bob Connor, bootlicking, Bradley Bening, by Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, by the admissions made by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley to him, California Chapter, California Constitution, California Judges Association, California State Appeals Court, California State Bar Association, California Supreme Court, Can’t Dodge Fraud, carpet baggers, Carson, case, cast of characters, cause, challenge for cause, charges, Chief of Staff, chose to cover it up, city, City Attorney Candidate Barbara Parker, City Attorney’s from Oakland, Civil Gang Injunctions, claiming, Cleaveland, clergy, community, compromised by, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, constant three year barrage, continued Corruption, COON, Coontoon, Corruption, Corruption Charges, could have been avoided, Councilmen Reid, County, court, court order, Courthouse Building, courtroom, cover up, Crone Rozynko, Cronyism, Crooked former Oakland City Attorney John Russo, CSAA, culture of corruption, curfew, curfews, D. A. Bob Conner, D. L. Glaze, DA, Dan Siegle, Daniel Crowley & Associates, David C. Lee, debacle, deceitful, DeLaFuente, demean, Democratic Party, denial of justice, deny justice, Department of Child Support Services, depending on the advice, Deputy District Attorney Kevin Dunleavy, developer partners, developers serving claims, did Mayor Ron Dellums or City Attorney John Russo investigate, disavow their very own ethnic orientation, disenfranchised, displayed disdain, disposed, disposition, District, District Attorney Matt Golde, District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, District Attorney Officer, do not represent their interest, double crooked, dramatically portrayed, dream, due process, duplicitous, echoing the frustration felt by the people, elected officials, Eliada Perez, eliminated, Elizabeth Allen, entire good of some lives, et al, evaluating, EVERY act of difference, evidence by al-Hakim, exposed California, exposed Govenor Jerry Brown Covering up, exposing Presiding Judge Jon Rolfenson, exposure of the criminal actions, expressed a fixed opinion, fact laden reports of fraud and corruption, families, fighting, following Oakland’s lead, for gentrifying the inner-city, FORCED OUT, forced to resign, Forcibly Removed, formal Corruption Fraud Complaint, former City Attorney John Russo, former District Attorney Tom Orloff, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams, Frank Roesch, fraud, from the comfort of your home, gang related, Gave Case File To Stephan Barber, George Bush, George Hernandez, Gil Scott-Herron, given away millions of dollars, gone on air, Gordon & Rees, Grancell, Grand Jury, great, Hakim, has enriched the police department with over $12 million, has over 100, he was suppose to Investigate, hearing, Henry Needham, her effort to prompt a conflict of interest charge, Hon. Alice Spearman, Hon. Darleen Brooks, Hon. Darryl Moore, Hon. Desley Brooks, Hon. Kathy Neal, Hon. Marlon McWilson, http://NowTruth.Org/, humiliate, Ignacio DeLaFuente, Ignarantcio De Vil Fuente Coontoon, Ignorantcio De Vil Fuente, in solidarity and union, in the 1960-70′s re-evolution, individuals, Influence, influence peddlers, injunction, injunction/curfew, Insurance Companies, investigate, investigation of corruption, irrefutable evidence, is to be considered worthless and disposable, Jackson Alternative Dispute Resolution, jail, James Richman, Jane Williams, Janie Wong, Joel K. Liberson, Johannes Mehserle, John Russo, JonTigar, Judge, Judge Jon Tigar, Judge Leo Dorado, Judges, judicial, Judicial Council, Justice Department, Kehilla Community Synagogue, Keith Carson, Killers, Kings Dream, know, known to al-Hakim, Kohn, Larry Reid, law enforcement, law firm, Lebovitz, Legal, Leo Dorado, lied under oath, Listen, live television feed, long been known for, losing, Lousy Larry Greed, lying under oath, MacArthur Blvd., made himself a witness in this case, Maggie Takeda, maintaining the status quo, Majeski, malice, many alleged charges of abuse against former Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts before they hired him, Martin Luther King Jr., mass fraud, mental attitude, Michael Ballachey, Michael Tigar, Minister Keith Muhammad, Minority, mistreatment, Mitt Romney, most are reacting, murder, Murray, Must Resign, Nancy, Nation of Islam, Native American, Nepotism, NEVER return, nor represent, NowTruth.Org, O’Malley, Oakland, Oakland City Attorney, Oakland City Attorney John Russo, Oakland City Attorney Resigns, Oakland City Councilmen, Oakland Council Candidate, Oakland East Bay Area, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, Oakland Police Department, Oakland Police Department has FAILED to comply with the Federal Mandate to meet MINIMUM agreed upon standards to fight corruption, objected, Occupiers, Occupy, Occupy Communities, OCCUPY Movements, OCCUPY OAKLAND, OCCUPY RE-EVOLUTION, OCCUPY WALL STREET, Occupyers, one of the presumed reasons for Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts resigning, One question being asked now, ongoing case, opinion, ordered al-Hakim, Oscar Grant, overall Minority Youth Community, owned and controlled by developers, partner, partner in crime, Patricia Smith, people they do not talk to, perjury, Pledge of Allegiance, Political Suicide, post, Poverty Pimps, power brokers, Presiding, problems, proclaim widely and loudly, promised retaliation, provoke, publicly denounce, Rabbi David Copper, rampant corruption, Randy Hall, Randy Willoughby, Real Estate, real estate developers dream tools, Redeem, refused to investigate it, regarding the incident, Reid was served a complaint, repeatedly, represent, Rescue, resenting that media manipulation, Resolution, Rev. Dr. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Dr. Kevin Barnes, Rev. Zachary Carey, revealed, revelation, Richard Hodge, right to a fair hearing, Rodney Brooks, Rodney King, Ronald G. Overholt, Ronald M. George, Ropers, Ropers Majeski, Rosa Parks, same stance taken, San Francisco Chapter, San Leandro, Sandre Swanson, saying NO MORE, Sell Out, sellouts, serious crime, shamelessly, she had al-Hakim removed from the D. A.’s office while sitting alone in the lobby waiting for a meeting, She made this order without any legal proceeding, sign the Petition To The Honorables President Barack Obama, so-called, so-called power brokers, sordid, sources have confirmed, spinning it, standing up, strikes, Stuart & Bening, sullied, Superior, Superior Court, swept America, taking land from the poor, that corruption, that establishes the admitted fraud committed by the D.A.’s office for over 20 years, that resulted in the only conviction of police officers crimes committed while on duty, the Bay, The Black Elected Officials and Faith Based Leaders, The California Branch of the NAACP, the courthouse, The cry at ALL the Occupy events world-wide, the Developers, the late, The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, the media, The Minority, the North Oakland Gang Injunction HAS FAILED to reduce crime in any way, the, The Oakland Branch of the NAACP, The Occupy Movement, the Occupyers, the Reid Gang, the whole world is chanting the same tune, The World, The world witnessed as Oakland revolted and burned, their bagmen, their life, then Attorney General Jerry Brown, these self-perceived, they acknowledge that being Black in America, they are law enforcement, they constantly connive, those whom have voiced their opinions with their frustrations in a varied manner of ways, throwing away, to avoid having to investigate and prosecute the complaint, tried to place al-Hakim in a life threatening situation, trivialize, True Gang Boss Don, turncoats, Uncle Tom, under the threat of arrest, underbelly, unethical behavior, United States Attorney General Eric Holder, United States Constitution, unrest, Valgeria Harvey, Victim, Victoria Henley, video of al-Hakim, violates, violence, voicemail, void, want-to-be-leaders, wants the injunction/curfews, was that a factor in his resigning, Washington, Watch the story with video and documents, Watch video of al-Hakim, We are ALL Oscar Grant, Website, Who are they protecting and why, willful misconduct, Willoughby, Wilson Elser, www.nowtruth.orgOakland City Council Candidates, yet claim to bargain and speak for them, Yolanda Northridge, you can watch, Youth

Oakland City Council Candidates Lousy Larry Greed and Ignarantcio De Vil Fuente Coontoon

Oakland City Council Candidates Lousy Larry Greed and Ignarantcio De Vil Fuente Coontoon
#occupyoakland, #OWS, 000 signatures, 106th Ave, 14th Ave, 20 year, 24/7, @nowtruth, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, abuse, administratively, African-American youth, Al, al-hakim, Alameda, Alameda City Manager, Alameda County, Alameda County district attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, Alex Stuart, an analyst, and current District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley, answer, Appellate Judges, appointed, appointment, Archer Norris, ARE NOT the constituents, around the world, Assemblyman Sandre Swanson, Assistant District Attorney Kevin Dunleavey, ASU Group, atmosphere of unfairness, attorney, Attorneys, away, backstabbing, bad faith, Banks, bargain away the rights and interests, Bay Area Carpet Cleaning, beginnings, Bentley, BIG BUSINESS INTEREST, Bishop Keith Clark, Black Women Organized for Political Action, Bob Connor, bootlicking, Bradley Bening, by Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, by the admissions made by District Attorney Nancy O’Malley to him, California Chapter, California Constitution, California Judges Association, California State Appeals Court, California State Bar Association, California Supreme Court, Can’t Dodge Fraud, carpet baggers, Carson, case, cast of characters, cause, challenge for cause, charges, Chief of Staff, chose to cover it up, city, City Attorney Candidate Barbara Parker, City Attorney’s from Oakland, Civil Gang Injunctions, claiming, Cleaveland, clergy, community, compromised by, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, constant three year barrage, continued Corruption, COON, Coontoon, Corruption, Corruption Charges, could have been avoided, Councilmen Reid, County, court, court order, Courthouse Building, courtroom, cover up, Crone Rozynko, Cronyism, Crooked former Oakland City Attorney John Russo, CSAA, culture of corruption, curfew, curfews, D. A. Bob Conner, D. L. Glaze, DA, Dan Siegle, Daniel Crowley & Associates, David C. Lee, debacle, deceitful, DeLaFuente, demean, Democratic Party, denial of justice, deny justice, Department of Child Support Services, depending on the advice, Deputy District Attorney Kevin Dunleavy, developer partners, developers serving claims, did Mayor Ron Dellums or City Attorney John Russo investigate, disavow their very own ethnic orientation, disenfranchised, displayed disdain, disposed, disposition, District, District Attorney Matt Golde, District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, District Attorney Officer, do not represent their interest, double crooked, dramatically portrayed, dream, due process, duplicitous, echoing the frustration felt by the people, elected officials, Eliada Perez, eliminated, Elizabeth Allen, entire good of some lives, et al, evaluating, EVERY act of difference, evidence by al-Hakim, exposed California, exposed Govenor Jerry Brown Covering up, exposing Presiding Judge Jon Rolfenson, exposure of the criminal actions, expressed a fixed opinion, fact laden reports of fraud and corruption, families, fighting, following Oakland’s lead, for gentrifying the inner-city, FORCED OUT, forced to resign, Forcibly Removed, formal Corruption Fraud Complaint, former City Attorney John Russo, former District Attorney Tom Orloff, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams, Frank Roesch, fraud, from the comfort of your home, gang related, Gave Case File To Stephan Barber, George Bush, George Hernandez, Gil Scott-Herron, given away millions of dollars, gone on air, Gordon & Rees, Grancell, Grand Jury, great, Hakim, has enriched the police department with over $12 million, has over 100, he was suppose to Investigate, hearing, Henry Needham, her effort to prompt a conflict of interest charge, Hon. Alice Spearman, Hon. Darleen Brooks, Hon. Darryl Moore, Hon. Desley Brooks, Hon. Kathy Neal, Hon. Marlon McWilson, http://NowTruth.Org/, humiliate, Ignacio DeLaFuente, Ignarantcio De Vil Fuente Coontoon, Ignorantcio De Vil Fuente, in solidarity and union, in the 1960-70′s re-evolution, individuals, Influence, influence peddlers, injunction, injunction/curfew, Insurance Companies, investigate, investigation of corruption, irrefutable evidence, is to be considered worthless and disposable, Jackson Alternative Dispute Resolution, jail, James Richman, Jane Williams, Janie Wong, Joel K. Liberson, Johannes Mehserle, John Russo, JonTigar, Judge, Judge Jon Tigar, Judge Leo Dorado, Judges, judicial, Judicial Council, Justice Department, Kehilla Community Synagogue, Keith Carson, Killers, Kings Dream, know, known to al-Hakim, Kohn, Larry Reid, law enforcement, law firm, Lebovitz, Legal, Leo Dorado, lied under oath, Listen, live television feed, long been known for, losing, Lousy Larry Greed, lying under oath, MacArthur Blvd., made himself a witness in this case, Maggie Takeda, maintaining the status quo, Majeski, malice, many alleged charges of abuse against former Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts before they hired him, Martin Luther King Jr., mass fraud, mental attitude, Michael Ballachey, Michael Tigar, Minister Keith Muhammad, Minority, mistreatment, Mitt Romney, most are reacting, murder, Murray, Must Resign, Nancy, Nation of Islam, Native American, Nepotism, NEVER return, nor represent, NowTruth.Org, O’Malley, Oakland, Oakland City Attorney, Oakland City Attorney John Russo, Oakland City Attorney Resigns, Oakland City Councilmen, Oakland Council Candidate, Oakland East Bay Area, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, Oakland Police Department, Oakland Police Department has FAILED to comply with the Federal Mandate to meet MINIMUM agreed upon standards to fight corruption, objected, Occupiers, Occupy, Occupy Communities, OCCUPY Movements, OCCUPY OAKLAND, OCCUPY RE-EVOLUTION, OCCUPY WALL STREET, Occupyers, one of the presumed reasons for Oakland Police Department Chief Anthony Batts resigning, One question being asked now, ongoing case, opinion, ordered al-Hakim, Oscar Grant, overall Minority Youth Community, owned and controlled by developers, partner, partner in crime, Patricia Smith, people they do not talk to, perjury, Pledge of Allegiance, Political Suicide, post, Poverty Pimps, power brokers, Presiding, problems, proclaim widely and loudly, promised retaliation, provoke, publicly denounce, Rabbi David Copper, rampant corruption, Randy Hall, Randy Willoughby, Real Estate, real estate developers dream tools, Redeem, refused to investigate it, regarding the incident, Reid was served a complaint, repeatedly, represent, Rescue, resenting that media manipulation, Resolution, Rev. Dr. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Dr. Kevin Barnes, Rev. Zachary Carey, revealed, revelation, Richard Hodge, right to a fair hearing, Rodney Brooks, Rodney King, Ronald G. Overholt, Ronald M. George, Ropers, Ropers Majeski, Rosa Parks, same stance taken, San Francisco Chapter, San Leandro, Sandre Swanson, saying NO MORE, Sell Out, sellouts, serious crime, shamelessly, she had al-Hakim removed from the D. A.’s office while sitting alone in the lobby waiting for a meeting, She made this order without any legal proceeding, sign the Petition To The Honorables President Barack Obama, so-called, so-called power brokers, sordid, sources have confirmed, spinning it, standing up, strikes, Stuart & Bening, sullied, Superior, Superior Court, swept America, taking land from the poor, that corruption, that establishes the admitted fraud committed by the D.A.’s office for over 20 years, that resulted in the only conviction of police officers crimes committed while on duty, the Bay, The Black Elected Officials and Faith Based Leaders, The California Branch of the NAACP, the courthouse, The cry at ALL the Occupy events world-wide, the Developers, the late, The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, the media, The Minority, the North Oakland Gang Injunction HAS FAILED to reduce crime in any way, the, The Oakland Branch of the NAACP, The Occupy Movement, the Occupyers, the Reid Gang, the whole world is chanting the same tune, The World, The world witnessed as Oakland revolted and burned, their bagmen, their life, then Attorney General Jerry Brown, these self-perceived, they acknowledge that being Black in America, they are law enforcement, they constantly connive, those whom have voiced their opinions with their frustrations in a varied manner of ways, throwing away, to avoid having to investigate and prosecute the complaint, tried to place al-Hakim in a life threatening situation, trivialize, True Gang Boss Don, turncoats, Uncle Tom, under the threat of arrest, underbelly, unethical behavior, United States Attorney General Eric Holder, United States Constitution, unrest, Valgeria Harvey, Victim, Victoria Henley, video of al-Hakim, violates, violence, voicemail, void, want-to-be-leaders, wants the injunction/curfews, was that a factor in his resigning, Washington, Watch the story with video and documents, Watch video of al-Hakim, We are ALL Oscar Grant, Website, Who are they protecting and why, willful misconduct, Willoughby, Wilson Elser, www.nowtruth.orgOakland City Council Candidates, yet claim to bargain and speak for them, Yolanda Northridge, you can watch, Youth