Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation-KPFA Promotional Video:
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Kids Celebrity Gift BackPacks
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Free Food Program Celebrity Giving Back
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Emeryville KPFA Interview Video
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Emeryville Customer Appreciation
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Alameda Customer Appreciation
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Entourage & Randy Holland in Trader Joe’s Pinole “Tribute to Legends of Jazz” Show
Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddi’s, Trader Joe’s, Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Marshawn Lynch’s “Fam1ly F1rst” and Leon Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland”
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Santa Fe Elementary LilCaesars Pizza Part 1
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Santa Fe Elementary LilCaesars Pizza Part 2
Abdul-Jalil Honored in Port Au-Prince, Haiti and Miami, Fla. for Relief Missions to Haiti
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
Thanks You from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune to Abdul-JalilPortrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France Articles on Abdul-Jalil
: ABDUL-JALIL GENIUS- BOY WONDER!!MC Hammer Tribute to ABDUL-JALILKobe Supports AMWFEmanuel Steward on ABDUL-JALIL
ABDUL-JALIL’S BABE with Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly and Marvin Gaye
ABDUL-JALIL’S BABE with Khalid al-Mansour, President Barack Obama and Prince Al-Waleed
ABDUL-JALIL’S BABE with Destiny and Marvin Gaye
CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLY HONORS ABDUL-JALIL Receives Certificate-of-Recognition for 2021-22 Humanitarian Civil and Human Rights Achievements
ABDUL-JALIL- the First _SUPER AGENT_ Legal Black History Page 1
ABDUL-JALIL-Sports and Entertainment Law Courses in All Major Law and MBA Programs Page 2
ABDUL-JALIL-Sports and Entertainment Law Courses in All Major Law and MBA Programs Page 3
ABDUL-JALIL-Sports and Entertainment Law, Lecturor, Presenter, Marketing, Branding Page 4
Rihanna SUPER BOWL Celebrity Promo
Dr. Dre SUPER BOWL Celebrity Promo
The Man Who Turn$ Hit$ Into Million$, One Special Case, ESPN Bostock 5th & Jackson TV Special Part 1, and Part 2, ESPN Bostock Magazine Special, ESPN Magazine- The History and Mystery of The High Five,
the “al-Hakim Tax Code Ruling”, Smart Agent, Busy Agent,
Abdul-Jalil in Harvard University Law School Federal Tax Course Outline
Abdul-Jalil in Yale University Law School Federal Tax Course 13th Ed., Prof. Eric Zolt
Abdul-Jalil in Wake Forest University Law School “Islamic and Jewish Perspective On Interest”
Abdul-Jalil in Washington University Law School Tax CodeAbdul-Jalil in Washington & Lee University Law School Tax Code,Abdul-Jalil in University of Virginia Law School Tax Course
Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
TO: Steve Gordon- Director Kenneth J. Pogue- Director
Office of the Director Office of Administrative Law
Department of Motor Vehicles 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1250
2415 1st Ave., Mail Station F101 Sacramento, CA 95814-4339
Sacramento, CA 95818-2606 Fax: 916-323-6826
Steve.Gordon@dmv.ca.gov Kenneth.Pogue@oai.ca.gov
Juan.Cornejo@dmv.ca.gov, Christina.Michel@dmv.ca.gov, Coleen.Solomon@dmv.ca.gov, Robert.Crockett@dmv.ca.gov, Sonia.Huestis@dmv.ca.gov, Cristiana.Rojas-Appleton@dmv.ca.gov, Edward.Swenson@dmv.ca.gov, Bernard.Soriano@dmv.ca.gov
Dale.Mentink@oai.ca.gov, Richard.Smith@oai.ca.gov, Eric.Partington@oai.ca.gov, Nicole.Carrillo@oai.ca.gov, staff@oal.ca.gov
Ismail J. Ramsey-Director Selvi Stanislaus- Executive Officer
U. S. Attorney’s Office Franchise Tax Board- Vehicle Registration
Federal Courthouse PO Box 419001
450 Golden Gate Avenue Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9001
San Francisco, CA 94102 Fax: 916-843-6022
Fax No.: 415-436-7234 Selvi.Stanislaus@ftb.ca.gov
Michelle.Lo@usdoj.gov, Jeff.Nedrow@usdoj.gov, Kimberly.Hopkins@usdoj.gov, Tom.Colthurst@usdoj.gov
Jozel.Brunett@ftb.ca.gov, Jennifer.Fowler@ftb.ca.gov, Carol.Williams@ftb.ca.gov
Rob Bonta Patrick Dorais- Bureau Chief
Attorney General of California Bureau of Automotive Repair
1300 I Street, Suite 125 Complaint Intake Unit
P.O. Box 944255 10949 N. Mather Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
FAX No.: 916-324-8835 Fax (916) 464-3405
Rob.Bonta@doj.ca.gov Patrick_Dorais@dca.ca.gov,
Linda_Janssen@dca.ca.gov, Bill_Thomas@dca.ca.gov, Viviana.Becerra@doj.ca.gov, Francesca.Gessner@doj.ca.gov, Damon.Brown@doj.ca.gov, Michael.Redding@doj.ca.gov, Victoria.Sawyer@doj.ca.gov, Laura.Stuber@doj.ca.gov, Maheen.Ahmed@doj.ca.gov, Edwin.Saucedo@doj.ca.gov, Venus.Johnson@doj.ca.gov,
Craig D. Fair, FBI Director Casey Hallinan
Northern District of California Attorney General of California
San Francisco Field Office Attn: Public Inquiry Unit
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor P.O. Box 944255
San Francisco, CA 94102-9523 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
Fax: (916) 323-5341
Craig.Fair@ic.fbi.gov, san.francisco@ic.fbi.gov, John.Bennett@ic.fbi.gov, Lawrence.Buckley@ic.fbi.gov, Bertram.Fairries@ic.fbi.gov, media.sf@fbi.gov, Timothy.Stone@ic.fbi.gov, Jonathan.Blair@ic.fbi.gov, Elvis.Chan@ic.fbi.gov, Jeff.Fields@ic.fbi.gov, Sid.Patel@ic.fbi.gov, Scott.Schelble@ic.fbi.gov, Paul.Zambelli@ic.fbi.govCasey.Hallinan@doj.ca.gov, piu@doj.ca.gov, agpressoffice@doj.ca.gov
FROM: Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim
DATE: May 4, 2023
NO PAGES: 5, Faxed and Emailed
RE: #DMV-VO:1824681–Case #07580840 Vehicle Registration for 2002 Ford E250 Cargo Van, Vin#: 1FTNS24L22HA77893; Lic Plate#: 99302X1; Entrapment, Fraud and Systemic and Endemic Grand Corruption; AMWF Exposing UNHOUSED Service Providers Corruption to STATE LEGISLATORS Suffers TARGETED Bank Account, Vehicles and Web Host ATTACK in RETALIATION!
Dear Steve Gordon, Kenneth Pogue, Ishmael Ramsey, Selvi Stanislaus, Rob Bonta, Craig Fair, Casey Hallinan, Patrick Dorais, et. al.:
On December 19, 2020, I filed with the DMV Customer Service an online application for the Non-Profit Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Vehicle Registration for the above vehicle.
That application included Insurance information and an Affidavit of Non-Use (ANU).
This vehicle had ALWAYS been insured and we attached the State Farm Insurance Policy that showed it was insured up to July 14, 2020 at that time. This policy was terminated in July 2020 after we waited for the van to be repaired when we were surprisingly informed of the need for a new engine at a costs of $5,500 by Ford dealers.
On October 9, 2022, I sent you ALL a letter addressing the ongoing issues surrounding the OBVIOUS HATE inspired Crimes, Terror, Civil Conspiracy, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, Hate Induced Bigotry, Vindictive Retaliation, Oppression, Harassment, Racism, Bias, Prejudice, Unfairness, Persecution, FRAUD AND GRAND CORRUPTION and the catastrophic irreparable Harm and Damage that we have/are being forced to endure!
As witnessed in the email to Mr. Mock, Ms. Carvajal, Mr. Parks, Assm Alvarez, et. al. below, consistent with those devious efforts, we have suffered several TARGETED ATTACKS in RETALIATION to Exposing UNHOUSED Social Service Providers/Agencies Corruption! POVERTY PIMPS – “Scamdemers“!
Our Non-Profit AMWF, will file a complaint to advise Governor Newsom of an ongoing concern about the treatment of the unhoused, exposing potential rampant fraud, corruption, and mismanagement we have uncovered in the operations of various Service Providers, Agencies and businesses that are prominent in the field.
Unfortunately, AMWF has suffered several Targeted Attacks in retaliation to our exposing those MOST responsible for the corruption. Worst, they have again employed the help of law enforcement in these illegal efforts!
WITHOUT CAUSE NOR NOTICE, THE SAME DAY we have suddenly had two of our bank accounts closed in 30 days WITHOUT CAUSE NOR NOTICE and ALL websites, emails, fundraising tools, etc., shut down ON THE SAME DAY and two of our vehicles illegally towed in two (2) days!
It was at the request of Attorney General Rob Bonta to get legislators and attorney’s involved with a related matter that we contacted ALL California State Legislators to begin the process of instituting the investigation and audit we called for. That would be consistent with the need to have filed TWELVE (12) POLICE REPORTS in EIGHT (8) MONTHS for various intentional criminal and civil tortious acts!
In response to my complaint to you ALL, on March 13, 2023, at 5:02 PM, I received this letter from Donald Pace, of the Bureau of Automotive Repair whom wrote:
Abdul-Jalil Al-Hakim 4200 Park Blvd. Apt. 116 Oakland, CA ZIP 94602 Case Number: HA2022 15100 Repair Facility: Midas & Speedee Oil Change ARD 271276Abdul-Jalil Al-Hakim,Your complaint concerning the automotive repair difficulties you encountered has been reviewed by this office. The Repair Facility is no longer operating under the ownership of ASR Ventures LLC with Member Abdul Popal. Their Automotive Repair Dealer (ARD) registration is currently delinquent, and they are not available to discuss your complaint. Your complaint is now closed as per the date of this email and the telephone voice mail messages I left for you on 03/13/2023. Attached to this email you will find an informational packet for small claims court, a copy of those documents will also be mailed to the physical address you provided in your complaint. Your complaint has been made a part of our records and will be retained in the automotive repair dealer’s file. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. If you have any questions about the result of this complaint, please contact me.Don PaceProgram Representative IBureau of Automotive RepairField Operations and Enforcement DivisionHercules Field OfficeOffice Phone (510) 964-3022Cell Phone (510) 301-1913Fax: (510) 741-4972Donald.Pace@dca.ca.gov
On March 13, 2023, I responded with:
Dear Mr. Pace,
We are herewith requesting a signed, OFFICIAL copy of your “report” for our records. WE want to know just what did you conclude, why and how you reached those conclusions and based on what information. We are also very curious to know how you conducted this “review” WITHOUT consulting us beyond the initial filing of our complaint.
I am sure you are aware that we RECEIVED the van from the NEW OWNERS whom also acquired ALL the Liabilities as well as the Assets of the business from ASR.
The employees there now, several of whom I have spoken with since the alleged “new ownership” to over, were also there when the van came into the shop over the years and could competently testify as to the actions there in the service of the van. They would be the one’s that would have the real knowledge of the repairs as the sum total of the knowledge of those “repairs” WOULD NOT RESIDE SOLELY WITH THE ALLEGED PREVIOUS OWNER ALONE! HE DID NOT PERFORM ANY OF THE REPAIRS SOLELY BY HIMSELF! It would NOT be necessary nor wise to ONLY address the issues with the alleged previous owner. Additionally, they have the contact information for the alleged previous owner as do I! IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN AVAILABLE TO YOU IF YOU SO DESIRED IT.
As we have presented in the initial complaint filed with Rob Bonta, we have information, experience, knowledge, and belief that the actions taken by Midas was/is WILLFULLY in collusion with Federal, State and Alameda County law enforcement as part of their targeted entrapment scheme of tortious criminal and civil operation to force us into litigation knowing that the courts systems has established that we will NEVER have any rights fairly adjudicated there!
Your “review” is clearly in the expected vain of a cover up of the activities surrounding the “repair” to our van! Did you even acknowledge that the van was ever there or even exist at all in your “review”??! THAT DERELICTION IS DULY NOTED!Please send the copy of the “review” ASAP, as we will continue our actions with the Federal and State Attorney Generals, FBI, and County District Attorney, Superior Court and Sheriff’s, among others, whom are involved in this continuing Targeted Entrapment Operation!
Mr. Pace’s letter of his alleged “investigation” is WORTHLESS! JUST AS HE/THEY/YOU PLANNED!
As we have stated, IT IS CLEAR THAT ME, MY FAMILY, OUR BUSINESSES, AND OUR NON-PROFIT, the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, HAS AND IS BEING TARGETED FOR ENTRAPMENT WITH SPECIOUS, TORTIOUS ILLEGAL CLANDESTINE ACTS ON THE PART OF LAW ENFORCEMENT WITH THE INTENT TO DESTROY OUR BUSINESS AND LIVES!We have recently witnessed where the DMV had to REFUND it’s charges for excessive fees and penalties from the registration of our 2000 GMC Savana Box Truck that for some unknown reason has had the fees increased each year! We are a Tax Exempt Non-Profit and the same thing has been happening with the van below! The fees for the 2002 Ford E250 Cargo Van have nearly tripled FOR NO REASON!
As I stated before, this vehicle had been in the repair shop of Midas/SpeeDee Oil Changers, at 6955 Village Pkwy, Dublin, CA 94568, from the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic since April, 2020. The van was originally brought into the shop at the end of January 2020 for a simple tune up prior to getting a smog test for registration where there were no “service engine” light on, no brake concern, no engine knocking, no oil leaking, no overheating, no misfiring/backfiring, NOTHING, just a simple tune up as we had done before. We were forced to return the van several times with a “check engine” light on as soon as they gave it back to us after EACH alleged repair, wherein the van stayed in their care for repair for several weeks at a time until in April 2020. The apparent repairs (some kind of engine stop leak/overheating additive) they performed, yet it was still getting hot and no one ever said that their efforts had resulted in a “blown engine” that would require a full engine replacement! They stated that there may be a problem with the radiator/thermostat ($600), but it was much greater when they presented the $3,263.66 invoice for repair payment to and payment was allegedly tendered by Bay Area Community Services (BACS) in our stead. They then came up with a repair proposal for an engine replacement of over $5,000 just days after they got the alleged $3,263 payment, wherein I refused their offer to replace the engine!
I demanded they return the $3,263 payment to BACS three days after it was made and the van remained there off the street, had not moved, and had been in their custody denying our use of it until such time as the repair was professionally made as we stated we WILL NOT pay to have the engine replaced by their shop! I also attached a copy of the May 6, 2020 bill of $3,263, that become $5,500 for a new engine for which the shop is responsible for!
We have provided proof of ALL of the above and are ready and willing to file ANOTHER Affidavit of Non-Use from April 2020 to present. We tried to do so online but were prohibited in December 2020 and January 2021. I wrote a letter as per the DMV Website regarding the Vehicle Registration and included Insurance information, and Affidavit of Non-Use (ANU) for the 2002 Ford E250 Cargo Van, Vin#: 1FTNS24L22HA77893; Lic Plate#: 99302X1; belonging to the Non-Profit foundation, Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation.
I also attached the two DMV Notices of the Suspension of the Registration for non insurance and the Collection Notice for same. The van had NOT been used at all during this registration periods.
We tried to get this matter resolved of our being responsible for 2 years fees when the van was at the repair shop for 18 months AFTER it was intentionally disabled by the repair shop in an attempt to steal it from us!
From our knowledge, history, multiple conversations and actions from Midas owner-Abdul Popal, employees and agents, the facts, information, and belief we thereupon contend this was their “entrapment scam/sting” attempt, along with unnamed Third Parties, to steal the van from us, to provoke and frame civil and criminal legal actions by alleging a disputed overpriced repair that they didn’t make, the fabricated cost of we would be liable for, and allege 18 months storage for abandonment when we refused to take the van back with the engine they blew up!IT IS TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE AND ILLEGAL FOR GOVERNMENT TO USE PUBLIC FUNDS AND RESOURCES IN THIS TYPE OF CRIMINAL ENTRAPMENT SCAM!
It still has to be repaired and may NEVER be used again at all and filed the requested Statement of Facts for the registered non-profit owner, the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation. We are a poor, small, minority operated non-profit charitable organization that simply can not afford to pay 2 years of DMV van registration fees ($960) for 2 years when we have proven that the 20 year old van was inoperable and on the lot of the repair shop that blew up the engine.
We filed an appeal with the Franchise Tax Board and the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) as it was their fault for destroying the van and we had no control over when or if it was going to be repaired and returned to us.
For those reasons, we need some type of equity for the loss of the use of the van and it seems that that equity would be to waive those fees for the 2 years time that it was not in use. It is only fair that those fees be waived and we would like to file whatever documents necessary to accomplish that goal.
On March 15, 2022, we received this email stating that DMV wanted :
Dear Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim,Thank you for your application for Vehicle Registration Renewals. The case number for your application is 07580840. Below, you’ll find the current status of the documents submitted for your application.Required DocumentsAdditional documents were received with this case and are under review. Documents that you sent via email may not yet be reflected in the required documents table. Evidence of Vehicle Insurance and Smog Certificate.
DMV has NOT responded with the results of the review of the request to waive the fees. We are unable to afford the registration fees ($960) for 2 years of non-use, nor a new van, and yet we need the van! We request that those fees be waived so that we can get the van repaired, insured and smog checked to pay the 1 year current registration fee.
Thanks in advance for your consideration and direction in this matter. Hopefully this will clear up any concerns. If you need anything else please kindly let me know ASAP.
Abdul Jalil for:
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation