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District Attorney Investigates City Attorneys John Russo, Jayne Williams, Meyers Nave Corruption Complaint
After a number of faxes, the filing of a formal complaint against City Attorney’s John Russo of Oakland and Jayne Williams of San Leandro and their City Attorney’s office administrations including the law firm of Meyers Nave, on June 7, 2010 and several conversations with the Alameda County District Attorney office, District Attorney Nancy O’Malley assigned the case to Assistant District Attorney Kevin Dunleavy. After his review and several more conversations with al-Hakim, he has decided to assign the case for investigation.
One of the areas discussed for investigation is that of jurisdiction since the complaint also involves actions on the part of the D. A., their prior open court admission of fraud injuring al-Hakim and his family in another matter, though they should be able to be separated without consequence or compromise. It is somewhat complicated by the fact that the D. A. feels that the complaint rightfully belongs back with the United States Attorney General Eric Holder, who’s office had it originally under A. G. Alberto Gonzalez. al-Hakim rejected that notion, been there, done that, going back already! al-Hakim opposed that theory as “kicking the can down the road to avoid their responsibility to investigate and prosecute their friends and themselves” because al-Hakim already has that prong in his attack and would not allow the D. A. off the hook that easily with a self-serving excuse. Another D. A. close to al-Hakim separately proposed to have the Grand Jury handle the investigation only to face the same rationale.
As you all know, al-Hakim has harnessed the power of public opinion, has a petition in circulation for President Obama and U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder to expand the initial investigation to a complaint filed in 2005 with a grass roots movement embraced by thousands demanding a change in the policy of isolation, victimization, criminalization and the attempted entrapment of the victim, including the use of government initiated Nixon era “White House Plumbers” and CoIntelpro style dirty tricks! This civil conspiracy has brought into play County and Sate Agencies to further it’s continued investigation of al-Hakim whom the defense admitted in 1998 has been surveilled for years and continues today with the compromising of many agents and informants covers due to their sloppiness.
This effort was a major factor in al-Hakim’s recent trials in the County and State Courts and was used to gather reconnaissance against him. This manifested itself as the supreme purveyor of the judicial corruption, perjury, bias, prejudice and ultimate cover-up of these crimes against al-Hakim. al-Hakim has four complaints filed with the Alameda County Presiding Court Judge that have been being investigated for over three years without any response from the court while the judges continue to rule from the bench. What happens when they are found to have committed corruption, corrupt misconduct, gross miscarriages of justice, bias, prejudice, and perjury while serving and they continued to serve while these crimes were being investigated making rulings that they legally and morally where unfit to have made? What happens to all the rulings that they made while under this cloud of veiled crime? What happens to all the parties unjustly tried and cases unjustly settled or disposed of? This fact alone will not only ruin the court system but ruin the eroded confidence of the public in the exposed truly unjust, dishonored judicial system we live today in the City of Oakland, Alameda County and the State of California.
al-Hakim has warned District Attorney Nancy O’Malley that he will not allow any posturing by any political opportunist with this investigation being a cursory one with out any possibility of prosecution of the criminals nor the passing of the buck to the United States Attorney General or Alameda County Grand Jury. O’Malley thinks there’s votes and money in positioning herself as being aggressive on crime in a high profile manner by pursuing this matter on paper for pure electoral reasons! Several of the judges that have clearly committed crimes in this case are directly involved with the Grand Jury. Never the less, al-Hakim insists that the parties engage in the process of investigating themselves as a true measure of transparency, accountability, crime fighting and justice that they all have so faithfully campaigned on!
Far too many instances of foul play on behalf of the City Attorneys, Alameda County District Attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, California Attorney General, California Appeals Court for the governing bodies the complaint was filed with to ignore their dutiful responsibility to investigate and prosecute,
There have been far too many threats and warnings from people in positions of power directly opposed to exposing this complaint and the dastardly crimes contained therein. The cover up has taken on the proportions a movement! There should be no difficulty nor opposition to the investigation and prosecution of the complaint. Now they feel they can’t let al-Hakim prevail because it portrays them in the old axiom of “a group smart people not being able to legally exploit and take advantage of one stupid person!”.
Incredibly, sympathizing politicians are carrying the criminals water without defending it by suggesting that al-Hakim wants them to support his effort. al-Hakim only wants a fair and impartial investigation just as any other citizen off the streets of Oakland just like these very same politicians should! What is so hard to understand about that and just why is that wrong? Why are they being an accessory while aiding and abetting this crime? Where’s this resistance coming from? Who’s really behind it? It reveals the last refuges of scoundrels caught in a scandal! Its a very bad situation made worse by civil conspiracy and cover up for which no apology can mitigate. Russo’s big lie that al-Hakim was the bad guy in an effort to demonize him has fallen miserably on it’s face where his greatest supporters no longer subscribe to that spin and can not overcome al-Hakim’s uncontested, uncontroverted, undeniable, irrefutable evidence that will allow the over $20 million claim to prevail on summary judgment!
The true ethos of this country is not about propagating fear, contempt and hate to veil the concerted attempt to evade investigating and prosecuting your allies at the expense of al-Hakim, his family, business, his community, the people, justice, integrity, the publics confidence… The public is appalled! That is the very defined action of Civil Conspiracy!
Law enforcement and Politicians do not have the right to evade the law because they feel entitled, privileged! They do not have that right and if al-Hakim had done these same things as an African-American and Muslim, he would be held in Guantanamo Bay Prison under secret evidence, tortured underground with air and light pumped down to him once a month!
Based on the current national political environment, the enthusiasm rallied around the politics of fear, the State of the economy, the failure to materialize of a lot of what Russo, et. al. were counting on for legal and political shelter, the disdain for al-Hakim becoming more popular and with the projected trajectory of the legal case with no unexpected intervening events, Russo was in a position to dodge the political death nail!
The public is angry and fed up with corruption and those that feel they are above the law! Polls show 85% of the people do not trust politicians, law enforcement, nor judges! People are frothing at the mouth to use their ballot, their protest, their dollars, their free speech right, free assembly right, their lawmaking right to flush the crooks out of office! They are not dispirited, but energized in attacking those miscreants as these factors and this enthusiasm has shown to be a pivotal, decisive factor at the polls. Many politicians now view Russo as a political liability and have abandoned Russo, et. al., dropping them off their lists of supporters in order to survive! There’s a direct correlation to his decline in popularity with the increase in the call for Russo’s resignation! Russo will have to use his political cache, and adjust his financial resources to fend off his complete demise and hold onto some dignity as he leaves politics, while it is doubtful that he be competitive in this fight for his life that isn’t exactly fair anymore!
al-Hakim has been attacked like the Nazi government and bombed like Pearl Harbor for raising the complaint and refusing to allow those responsible to perform their sworn duties! The responsible parties are taking this opportunity to celebrate their racism with their ignore and delay tactic, which hasn’t slowed down since Judge James Richman began the judicial crime spree, in hopes that it will “go away” or they can pass it on to someone else who can say “no and do nothing!” But they do not have that luxury!
City Attorney’s John Russo of Oakland and Jayne Williams of San Leandro and their City Attorney’s office administrations including the law firm of Meyers Nave defense strategy of essentially vetoing the complaint with years of confrontation and nothing happening has now dealt the damaging blow of the Cities they consult affected having to find a way to govern with this cloud of municipal legal uncertainty hanging over every decision, legal case, vote, opinion, contract, settlement, and each and every simple everyday task subject to legal reversal! It is a foregoing conclusion that they are out of time and options while facing what is a tidal wave of criticism and a blacklash that shakes and newly shapes the foundation of ALL their legacies.
Russo had a very comfortable position in the drivers seat with the control and close personal contacts he had over the D. A.’s office, County Superior Court, the State Appeals Court, The State Attorney General and the United States Attorney General’s Office. He clearly was confident and sure he was untouchable, as with his Italian mobster heritage he’s so proud of, “the Teflon Don” ! However the failure to materialize of a lot of what Russo, et. al. were counting on for legal and political shelter has brought them ALL under unbearable scrutiny and regulation, some at Russo’s own creation and to his own demise! As any student of civics or law knows corruption and civil conspiracy are crimes and void of any and all presumed entitlements.
This is Part One of a multi part series examining the corruption in the al-Hakim v. Rescue Rooter, et. al.; al-Hakim v. CSAA, et. al. legal cases that includes parts on the Judiciary, Compromising Cover of Law Enforcement, City Attorney’s John Russo of Oakland and Jayne Williams of San Leandro and their City Attorney’s office administrations including the law firm of Meyers Nave, Oakland City Government, and apathetic media bias.
The information below is provided to give you a more complete understanding of the facts in this case and will explain the complaint more fully. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.