Are you interested in growing your business?
We are offering a FREE Business analysis and will discuss your needs for an overall Strategic Plan including a Website upgrade with a national media campaign, after you have completed the Strategic Planning Client Questionnaire on our website and schedule a meeting to contract our services and move forward to SUCCESS!
We can mount a media campaign for you with events and advantages your business offers to potential clients as the centerpiece of that effort. This could not only provide exposure and build your new brand, but could also build your business development with corporate sponsors, business partners, non-profit organizations and donors.
You could be your own special BRAND within and without the business campaign! This will not detract from the business campaign in any way and inevitably lead to other business opportunities, and a very effective social position that will allow you to achieve more business goals!
We will be integrally involved in creating the campaign concept with you as both a separate branded entity and the business brand. We would develop them within the overall brand platform and defining a tangible brand experience across the myriad offerings of the business services and social activities. Our work will touch on all aspects of the business as a brand, and the brand’s physical presentation; client offerings; programs; events; promotions; Web site; marketing; advertising; publicist; social media managements; sponsorship vehicles; and creation of “your business Community” through multi-channel strategies for both traditional and new media to engender an engaging, interactive and sustainable customer experience.
We will to develop and create expedient, viable, replicable solutions to optimize your bottom line, raise your public profile and social perception while increasing the satisfaction quotient for your customers.
From the great success that we have had with our Free Food Programs established in the 1950’s by my Parents, Aaron and Margaret Wallace, we have since been instrumental in the founding and supplying of other free food service organizations around the country.
With the demand for our help in creating these organizations being driven by the skyrocketing need for the services, we have decided to open up our efforts to all interested in starting a food pantry for the needy.
We can provide access to the training necessary to qualify your organization and partner you with the local organizations and businesses that can support your efforts. Contact us and we will help you through the RED TAPE and push your program to success!
We were honored in Miami, Florida and Port Au Prince, Haiti last month for the Relief Missions that we have sent to Haiti since the earthquake and are currently up for an EMMY with “OUT. The Glenn Burke Story”, have already won several honors for it and expect more.
Special “Thanks” to all that have supported our efforts over the years!
FREE tickets to Regina Belle w/ Special Guest Chris Walker, Friday and Saturday, October 28-29, 2011, 10:00 pm, Yoshi’s Oakland, 510 Embarcadero W, Oakland Ca 94607; Omar Sosa Afreecanos Quartet, Friday and Saturday, November 4-5, 2011, 10:00 pm, Yoshi’s Oakland, 510 Embarcadero W, Oakland Ca 94607; Brenda Wong Aoki and Mark Izu KABUKI JAZZ CABARET, Sunday, October 30, 2011 5:00 pm,Yoshi’s, 1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco; The Velveteen Rabbit, Choreographed and directed by KT Nelson, Saturday, November 26, 2011, at 2:00 p.m., Novellus Theater at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 701 Mission Street (at 3rd Street), San Francisco, CA
Tag:your organization
December 2010 Relief Mission to Haiti
December 2010 Haiti Relief Mission
Thank you in advance for your continued support and prayers and I hope this brief note finds you and yours in the best of health and spirits. The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are planning a December Haitian Relief Mission and the dates have been finalized as November 30, 2010 to December 7, 2010! We will again be working with Arch Bishop Joel Jeune, one of the most powerful men in Haiti as head of the Catholic Church, and the people of Haiti that he serves at Grace Village, the compound of his organization Grace International, in the Carrefour district of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, the epicenter of the earthquake.
As you know, the Village has become a refuge center, housing almost 30,000 quake victims and the compound is located precisely where the earthquake did the most damage. Most of the homes and neighborhoods surrounding Grace Village have been highly damaged, if not devastated, leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead and injured.
We will be working and living (in guest houses) on site, providing OBGYN care, possibly primary care (depending on staffing), health education and social support including mental health counseling. Our focus for OBGYN will be developing an ongoing clinic as there is a great need for prenatal services.
Supplies Needed for Haitian Mission
The following supplies are urgently needed for the Mission:
1) Portable Ultrasound Machine
2) Fetal Monitor
3) Laboratory Testing Equipment
a) Urinalysis kits
b) Glucometers with strips, lancets, alcohol swabs
c) Hemoglobin/hemotocrit
4) Fetoscopes (50)
5) Medicines: antibioticsanti-diabetics, antihypertensives, hormonal, prenatal vitamins, multivitamins, anesthetics, Insulin,
6) Condoms, contraceptive hormones, IUD
7) Blood pressure cuffs (100)
8) Patient gowns (1,000)
10) Gynecololgy Equipment
a) Speculums (100), assorted sizes
11) Laboratory Equipment: urinalysis, Glucometer (with strips, lancets, alcohol swabs), Hemaglobin/hematocrit, hemocult slides
12) Birth Control Supplies and Medicines: condoms, BCP, IUD, etc.
13) Biopsy equiptment: cervical biopsy, breast biopsy, etc.
14) Colposcopy, cryotherapy, LEEP machine
Also, we are looking for providers who are interested in teaching as this was an urgent request from our hosts but this is dependent on us hiring translators. As such we are looking for Kreyol-speaking nurses and providers to assist us. Currently there is an RN from New York City who is willing to attend however she is in need of financial assistance. This particular RN worked with us on previous mission and her help was invaluable. If you or anyone in your organization can fund her trip costs that would be fantastic.
Other services are dependent on getting sufficient volunteers. So spread the word, this mission is open to all volunteers but our capacity is limited and preference will be given to early responders. If they have not participated on one of our previous missions then they should send their CV and the completed Volunteer Waiver forms as soon as possible. The forms are available upon request.
I want to know if you are interested in participating with the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Dr. Kenya Numan with Stepping Together to aid the people of Haiti, and if so, please send me your notice asap. I have attached herein below pictures of Dr. Numan during the Mission to Haiti July 24, 2010 to service the Arch Bishop at the Village and it was a great success for all that lead to this mission!
There is much work to do and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are committed and prepared to work with you and your organizations to raise funds and organize continued relief efforts to provide assistance to countries around the world, especially Africa, the Carribean and South/Central America.
We look forward to your response and “Thank you ALL” in advance.
Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim,Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation,7633 Sunkist Drive Oakland,CA,94605,Abdul-Jalil, Abdul Jalil, al Hakim, Aaron,Margaret Wallace, Foundation,Sunkist Drive,Oakland, 94605-3024,Tweet,Twitter,Wyclef Jean,launch,Black Television News Channel, the only,Afro-American,24/7,cable news network,attend the grand opening,Wyclef,ajalil,@wyclef, BTNC,,Haiti earthquake,January 13, 2010,announced via Twitter, partner with Stepping Together,the Surgery Planet,to provide resources,vehicles, manpower, supplies, donations, information, education, etc.,@ajalil,,partnering,Surgery Planet, resource,vehicle, ,via,TweetDeck,followers,donate to,Wyclef’s,Yele Haiti Fund,Help Haiti,survivors,donate @wyclef,online,,Earthquake Relief Fund,@yelehaiti,ONE members,around the world,took action,$1 billion,debt relief for Haiti,go more in-depth,the crisis,the rebuilding,long-term development solutions,participated,an interactive conference call,talk about Haiti,what we can do,Rep. Maxine Waters, a debt relief champion,driving force for legislative solutions,former, Senate Majority Leader, Dr. Bill Frist,trained surgeon,returned from,operating,Haitian field hospital,Dr. Joia Mukherjee, medical director,Partners in Health,in Haiti right now,David Meltzer, senior vice president,International Services,American Red Cross,back from Haiti,RSVP, phone number,ONE,members,Maxine Waters, former Senate Majority Leader,Bill Frist,President,David Lane,interactive,conference call,on Haiti Crisis,Rebuilding,Debt Cancellation,massive response,Drop Haiti’s Debt,campaign,having an impact, movement,IMF,World Bank,find ways,cancel Haiti’s debts,the House of Representatives,Senate,tackle this issue,promising,keep the pressure up,learn more,about,how we can help,the Haitian people,during this, time of crisis,and beyond,experts,observers,shared their responses,the aftermath,earthquake,took questions, discuss the latest news,Drop Haiti’s Debt campaign,talked about,the broader,development picture,what more we can do,to help the Haitian people,rebuild,advance, the long-term, In the wake of devastation,the opportunity to rebuild, develop,miss our opportunity,to learn,the facts, help plan the future,hear first-hand accounts,what’s going on in Haiti,opportunity to serve,those in need,the Honorable Johnny Ford, former Mayor,member of,the State House of Representatives,Tuskegee, Alabama, the Founder, Secretary,General,World,Conference of Mayors,The National Conference,Black Mayors,working on behalf of,to aid the people of Haiti.,The World ,Conference of Mayors,mayors abroad, establishing partnerships, mayoral associations, presidents,heads of state in Africa, Colombia, China, Haiti, Brazil, Jamaica, Martinique,the Bahamas,The National Conference,Black Mayors,assists,African American Mayors,across the United States,citizens,that they collectively represent, established the,Haitian Disaster Relief Fund,PVO status,now provide USAID assistance,their own HIV/AIDS Initiative,National Medical Association,Mars Corporation,to donate,shipment of Uncle Ben’s Rice, to Haitian member,mayors’ communities, fed over 300,000 people in Haiti,the most powerful man in Haiti,head of the Catholic Church,alleged,corrupt politicians,prayer,a miracle,to aid,the people of Haiti,that he serves,Kenya Numan,crew,on the ground,refuge,center,30,000 quake victims,located,where the earthquake did the most damage,Most of the homes,neighborhoods surrounding,highly,damaged,leaving,hundreds of thousands of people,dead,injured,letter of Thanks,the Honorable,Johnny,Ford,acknowledging,eternal debt, gratitude, Herculean, effort,rearrange,logistics,reroute,tangible,reality,SUCCESS ,ALL the members of the organizations,world-wide,rather than,idle cocktail party, rants,raves,projects that exist,without any substance,behind them,ALL the members of the World Conference of Mayors,celebrate their success, acknowledge their contribution,assessment of,the Haitian Relief Effort to Grace Village,very good meeting,Grace International Ministries , a tour of their facilities,They are doing great work for the Haitian people,we would like to support them,on an ongoing basis,We are planning to return to Haiti,specifically to provide,outpatient,OBGYN clinic,to the residents,Grace Village, Health Education,in the planning process,to make this happen successfully,I was able to assess,some of their most urgent needs,three priorities for the Village are,Tools,construction, cleaning,a sustaining effort,keep the village clean, respectable, Education, training, sustainable effort,regards to health, job,Healthcare,monthly providers,coming,on an ongoing basis,this will be quite an undertaking, my organization is committed,see this through,the next 10-20 years,whatever it takes,to get the job done,in detail,regarding this effort ,how best to strategize,for support from the USA, Congress, White house,Kenya,the Relief Mission,World Conference,of Mayors,The National,Conference of Black Mayors,membership list,updated,dispatch the letter,to use as a tool,their own marketing, promotional,fundraising efforts,moving forward in a meaningful way,to secure financial, subsistence, construction,medical aid and support,the next mission,as soon as we can,unite to raise,the necessary items,tap into the resources of,the USAIDS,the National Medical Association,make great progress in securing,bi-weekly missions,various needed areas around the World,provide support and organize continued relief efforts for financial donations, to deliver much needed medical support and supplies, to our working together on relief missions here in America and globally,exploring the possibility,of a telethon,J. C. Watts,Black Television,News Channel,is prepared to provide,full support to your and our joint efforts,to overcome the continual need for financial assistance,to achieve our goals, proposed telethon,joint and several fundraising efforts,a goal of working together,projects of mutual interest and support,South America, Central America,Abdul-Jalil,Aaron Wallace Foundation,World Conference of Mayors,WCM,The National Conference of Black Mayors,NCBM,your incredible,expedient work,arranging the,Haitian,Relief effort,Dr. Kenya,Numan,Stepping,Together,Grace,Village,humanitarian,Arch Bishop,Joel Jeune, organization,Grace International,the Carrefour district, of Port-au-Prince, Haiti,Arch Bishop Jeune,Lee,Variety ,Dr.,Numan,her crew,on the ground, in Haiti,communicating with,the Arch Bishop,at the Village,Herculean effort,rearrange, logistics,reroute,the mission,to the Village,people in such great need,All of us,the WCM,NCBM,owe,eternal debt,gratitude, you all,for your efforts,on our behalf, refuge center, housing, 30,000 quake victims,highly damaged,leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead and injured, before the earthquake, Arch Bishop Joel Jeune,living conditions in Carrefour,most precarious, economic activities, improve the living conditions,population,National Institutions of health, high risk of propagation,contamination,diseases,lack of medical attention ,malnutrition, resulting in great societal damage,Many other factors,contribute to,the lack of general health, unavailability, electricity,refrigeration,food poisoning,doctors,nurses,without any medical supplies,help,untrained,unqualified,volunteers,men, women, children, hospital,site,compound,Lamentin,Grace Tabernacle little water,The World Conference of Mayors,comprised of,mayors, former mayors, elected, appointed,local,public officials,from,the United States, Asia, Africa, Caribbean,We are committed,prepared,to work with,Aaron and Margaret Wallace Foundation,raise,funds, organize,continued,relief,efforts,to deliver,much needed,medical,support ,educational,materials,construction,support ,building,material,personal,items,legal,assistance,displaced children,orphanages, transportation,temporary,housing,United States,other families, churches, and organizations,until,homes,have been,rebuilt,house them.,most relief efforts, limited,stopped altogether,current,travel,restrictions,within Haiti, The World Conference,Mayors,political,cache, is willing,to exercise,to further achieve,our united,goals,globally,awarded,Private Volunteer Organization,PVO,status,It means,the WCM,The Carter Center,The Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative, providing, USAID,assistance,to countries,around the world,Africa,conversations, love to have, your organizations,to provide,relief support,o our efforts,globally,in Africa,other countries,here in the United States,our HIV/AIDS Initiative,the WCM,throwing our full support,your, joint efforts,to overcome,the continual need,financial assistance,to achieve our goals,fundraising efforts,proposed,telethon,a measure,awareness,the causes ,joint fundraising efforts,a goal of working together, projects, mutual interest,support,in a spirit of oneness,helping us in Haiti,many more successful efforts globally,Johnny Ford,Founder, Secretary General,The World Conference of Mayors,let me thank you,the Aaron and Margaret Wallace Foundation,on behalf of,Grace International,Inc.,incredible,expedient work,arranging,Haitian relief effort,Dr. Kenya Numan,her organization, Stepping Together,Grace Village, one of the compounds,for our organization,Grace International,the Carrefour district,Port-au-Prince,Haiti,all look forward,the next mission,no later than,December 2010,Lee Variety,Dr. Numan,her relief organization,on the ground,in Haiti,communicating,at the Village,It was purely a blessing from God,arrange and complete,the mission,to the Village, on such short notice,pleading for his help,securing,much needed help
for our people,in such great need,God answered our plea,with the mission, and we look forward to,many more successful missions,like this one,The world,owes an eternal,debt of gratitude,you all,for your efforts,on our behalf,The Village,a refuge center,housing almost 30,000,quake victims,number changes every day,This compound,is located,where the earthquake did the most damage,the homes,neighborhoods,surrounding Grace Village,severely damaged,devastated,leaving,hundreds of thousands of people dead and injured,the living conditions,in Carrefour,before the earthquake,impossible,unemployment rate was 92%,very few economic,cultural activities,in the area to improve the living conditions,The population, larger than the services,that are available,to meet the needs of the people,there is nothing for them now, Carrefour, established, National, International Institutions of health,high risk, propagation, contamination, diseases,Malaria,Tuberculosis,TB,Child Diarrhea,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,STDs,HIV/AIDS,lack of medical attention,malnutrition,resulting in great societal damage,other factors, contribute to,lack of general health,unavailability of electricity, refrigeration,food poisoning,Dr. Numan,inspection,doctors and nurses,the compound,under-staffed,over-worked,without any medical supplies,help is untrained, unqualified, volunteers,Grace Village,has over 25,000 men, women, and children,hospital site compound,Lamentin,2,000 people at Grace Tabernacle,Waney,have very little water,food,medicine,shelter,committed and prepared,work with the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation,Stepping Together,raise funds,organize continued relief efforts,to deliver,much needed,medical support, supplies, food,clothing,educational materials,construction support,building materials,personal items,legal assistance for displaced children, orphanages, given transportation,temporary housing,United States,other families, churches,organizations,until homes have been rebuilt,house them,most relief efforts are limited,stopped by current travel restrictions,in,within,out of Haiti,your organization,has been successful,overcoming these obstacles,Grace International,providing our full support,to your,our joint efforts,overcome,the continual need, financial assistance,to achieve our goals,These fundraising efforts, include,a proposed telethon,a measure to raise funds,raise awareness,for the causes as well,move forward,joint fundraising efforts,goal of working together,on projects,mutual interest,support,spirit of oneness,Thank you,for helping us,in Haiti,look forward,many more successful efforts,globally,Respectfully,Bishop Joel R Jeune,Arch Bishop Joel Jeune,President,Founder of Grace International,
GRACE INTERNATIONAL,INC.,BISHOP JOEL,PASTOR DORIS JEUNE,PO BOX 172508,HIALEAH,FL,33017,Wyclef Jean’s,Yele Haiti Relief,Haiti faced a natural disaster of unprecedented proportion, an earthquake unlike anything,the world has ever experienced,The magnitude 7.0 earthquake, several very strong aftershocks ,struck only 10 miles from Port-au-Prince,I cannot stress enough,a human disaster this is,idle hands will only make this tragedy worse,over 2 million people,in Port-au-Prince tonight,face catastrophe alone,We must act now,President Obama,said that the U.S. stands,ready to assist the Haitian people,The U.S. Military,only group trained and prepared,to offer that assistance immediately,must do so as soon as possible,The international community,must also rise to the occasion,help the Haitian people in every way possible,Many people have already,reached out to see,what they can do right now, We are asking those interested,please do one of two things,can use your cell phone to text ”Yele“ to 50150,automatically donate $5 to the Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund,it will be charged to your cell phone bill,Thank you Wyclef,Yéle Haiti,Yéle,Haiti,a grassroots movement,builds global awareness for Haiti,while helping to transform the country,through programs in education, sports, the arts,environment.,Yéle’s,community service programs,include food distribution,mobilizing emergency relief,Yéle Haiti foundation,started by Grammy-Award winning musician, producer ,social entrepreneur, humanitarian,Goodwill Ambassador to Haiti,Wyclef Jean,is changing lives,in this desperately poor,optimistic nation,Through Yéle Haiti, Wyclef,uses music, sports,the media,reinforce,projects that are making a difference,in education, health, environment,community development,In practical terms,this translates,new jobs,children being put in school,people receiving food,young people learning about HIV/AIDS prevention,many who have responded to Wyclef’s, invitation to help,thousands of individuals like you, celebrities,Angelina Jolie,Brad Pitt,NGOs, world leaders, corporations,Education,state support for education, Yéle Haiti,created a range of programs,to improve the quality of education, ensure children from poor,disadvantaged families,can attend school,Primary School Scholarships, sponsoring the education,children,throughout Haiti,University Scholarships, top ranking students,in Haitian universities,Boy’s Rehabilitation Center, giving imprisoned,child gang members,second chance,Yéle Cuisine, employing women,cater meals for children,six schools,without kitchens,School Feeding, dry food distribution,to families of children,targeted schools, Sports, Wyclef on the ground in Haiti,no public,school funding,organized sports,supports a soccer program,for at-risk youth,range of sports events,for youth,L’Athletique d’Haiti,supporting a soccer,tutoring program,youth from the slums,Sports Events,sponsoring tournaments, clinics,sports equipment,young players,The Arts,high levels of illiteracy, uses music,entertainment,to inform the public,about development and social issues, while at the same time,providing training to at-risk youth, Celebrities,enlisted to help,raise the country’s international profile, Music Studio,providing jobs,vocational training,a new state-of-the-art facility,Cité Soleil,National Youth Orchestra,classical,orchestral training,performance for at-risk youth,Art School,support for,art school in Jakmel, commissioning students,design work abroad,Remember Haiti, scanning, available,rare historic books,about Haiti’s founding,Spotlight Haiti, engaging celebrities,to help raise Haiti’s international profile,Yéle Cinema,free,outdoor projection,Creole-dubbed,films,slums without electricity,Environment,less than two percent tree cover, nationwide, responding,new community-based,tree planting, environmental education, social marketing initiative,ongoing support for an environmental education initiative,Yéle Vert,community-based agroforestry, environmental, education,social,marketing,in development,Gonaives,Ecole Verte, environmental education camping trips,tree planting for youth,Community Service,little support available,vulnerable families,distributes food,those in need, throughout the slums of Port-au-Prince,mobilizes emergency relief,in response to natural disasters,humanitarian crises,Food Distribution,assisting the World Food Programme,distributing rice, beans,oil,families in the slums of Port-au-Prince,Emergency Relief, mobilizing relief following natural disasters,humanitarian crises,North America,Yéle Student Outreach,college,university students,rallying in support of Haiti,Help Haiti,Canadian students,giving to sponsor scholarships for Haitian students,CNN,Haitian-born, Brooklyn, raised, musician,Wyclef Jean,created,grassroots charity organization Yéle Haiti,The former member,the Grammy-winning group,The Fugees,coined,the term Yéle,in a song,imbued it with the meaning,a cry for freedom,The purpose of the organization,from its inception, to restore pride,hope to the Haitian people,through projects,will allow citizens,ultimately help themselves, creation of scholarships,support for the arts, food distribution,emergency relief,old women,large bags of rice,on their heads,men on street corners, selling sugarcane,mangos,just trying to survive,a strong sense of pride, Jean said in a statement,the group’s Web site,a church in my village, I hear the congregation,singing an appeal to God,to hear their cries,grant deliverance to Haiti,Through experiences like this, I sense where,my mother and my father,got their strength,whole country needs to reach deep,into the spirit and strength,hat is part of our heritage,The objective of Yéle Haiti,is to restore pride,a reason to hope,for the whole country,to regain the deep spirit and force,is part of our heritage,7.0 magnitude earthquake, Jean and Yéle mobilized ,social networking sites,o raise funds for disaster relief,Jean is encouraging people to text “Yéle” to 501501,human disaster, idle hands,make this tragedy worse,face,catastrophe,alone,We must act now,in a statement, In its first year,Jean created,in collaboration,his cousin, music producer,Jerry Duplessis, provided scholarships,testified before the House of Representatives,urging the U.S. government,earmark more funds for education in Haiti,encourage the U.S. private sector,enter the Haitian market,to create jobs for the Haitian people,stressed the importance of, the arts in Haiti,used local musicians ,deliver food into slum neighborhoods,no other organizations are able to go,held annual hip-hop competitions,underprivileged youth,invited to write raps on social issues,project called Yéle Cinema,shows free Creole-dubbed films in slum neighborhoods, interspersed with short messages about social and development themes,using his celebrity status,to advance the aims of Yéle Haiti,the devastation of several consecutive tropical storms,Jean brought actor Matt Damon to the island,Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie,traveled with Jean several times, most notably when Jolie was pregnant,their first child, the musician brought,United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,President Clinton,tour the region,I was honored, show my support,they asked me to join them,this important humanitarian trip,gave them the opportunity to experience,the beauty underneath the devastation my country and its people have had to face, It’s crucial for me,do all I can to raise awareness,help Haiti get through this tough time,While in Haiti,the group visited a Yéle sponsored feeding program,met with President René Preval,senior government officials,Jean and Yéle Haiti partnered with the United Nations World Food Program,Pan American Development Foundation,Together for Haiti, program that provides resources,targeted food distribution, employment creation, micro-enterprise grants,farm training,The food crisis, develop in Haiti, more serious than any emergency,I’ve seen over my years of work with the country,Even where food is available, the citizens of Haiti do not have the resources to buy it,we must take immediate action,I’m confident,through the commitment of these three powerful organizations, Together for Haiti,will rise to meet,his urgent challenge,provide direct relief to the people,
A & MWF and Stepping Together Help in Haiti, FREE Laser Cartridges
On July 17, 2010 Abdul-Jalil spoke with Lee Variety and the Honorable Johnny Ford, former Mayor for 24 years and member of the State House of Representatives of Tuskegee, Alabama who is the Founder, Secretary General of the World Conference of Mayors (WCM) and The National Conference of Black Mayors (NCBM) regarding our working on behalf of the WCM and NCBM to aid the people of Haiti.
The World Conference of Mayors has over 18,000 mayors abroad, establishing partnerships with mayoral associations, presidents and heads of state in Africa, Colombia, China, Haiti, Brazil, Jamaica, Martinique and the Bahamas. The National Conference of Black Mayors assists more than 650 African American Mayors across the United States and the 48 million citizens that they collectively represent. The WCM has established the Haitian Disaster Relief Fund and been awarded Private Volunteer Organization (PVO) status and can now provide USAID assistance to countries around the world, especially Africa, and here in the United States with their own HIV/AIDS Initiative. They also have an affiliation with the National Medical Association and partnered with the Mars Corporation to donate a shipment of Uncle Ben’s Rice to Haitian member mayors’ communities, which in turn fed over 300,000 people in Haiti.
On July 21, 2010 Abdul-Jalil spoke with Lee Variety and Arch Bishop Jeune, the most powerful man in Haiti as head of the Catholic Church, not one of the many alleged corrupt politicians there, regarding his prayer for a miracle to aid the people of Haiti that he serves at Grace Village, the compound of his organization Grace International, in the Carrefour district of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, the epicenter of the earthquake. Just three days later, Dr. Kenya Numan and her organization “Stepping Together” was with her crew on the ground in Haiti July 24, 2010 communicating with the Arch Bishop and at the Village by July 26, 2010!
The Village has become a refuge center, housing almost 30,000 quake victims and the compound is located precisely where the earthquake did the most damage. Most of the homes and neighborhoods surrounding Grace Village have been highly damaged, if not devastated, leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead and injured.
On August 12, 2010 Abdul-Jalil received a letter of “Thanks” from the Honorable Johnny Ford acknowledging an eternal debt of gratitude to the Aaron and Margaret Wallace Foundation and Stepping Together for the incredible and expedient work of arranging the Haitian relief effort with Dr. Kenya Numan to Grace Village with the Herculean effort to rearrange the logistics to reroute the mission to the Village for people in such great need! This was a tangible reality of SUCCESS in Haiti for ALL the members of the organizations world-wide rather than the many idle cocktail party rants and raves of projects that exist without any substance behind them. WE DID IT! ALL the members of the World Conference of Mayors can celebrate their success and acknowledge their contribution. You can view and/or download that letter here.
Dr. Kenya Numan gave her assessment of the Haitian Relief Effort to Grace Village as follows:
I want to let you know that I have returned from Haiti. While there I had a very good meeting at Grace International Ministries with Archbishop Jeune et al; this included a tour of their facilities. They are doing great work for the Haitian people and we would like to support them in an ongoing basis.
We are planning to return to Haiti specifically to provide an outpatient OBGYN clinic to the residents of Grace Village as well as Health Education. We are now in the planning process to make this happen successfully.
However while there I was able to assess some of their most urgent needs. Currently their three priorities for the Village are:
1. Tools: construction, cleaning: a sustaining effort so they can keep the village clean and respectable
2. Education & training: a sustainable effort in regards to health, job, etc.
3. Healthcare: a sustaining effort with monthly providers coming on an ongoing basis.
As you can see this will be quite an undertaking but my organization is committed to see this through the next 10-20 years or whatever it takes to get the job done.
I look forward to speaking with you in detail regarding this effort and how best to strategize for support from the USA, Congress, White house, etc. Please let me know what is the best number to reach you.
Peace and blessings,
On August 25, 2010 Abdul-Jalil received the letter shown below of “Thanks” from Arch Bishop Joel Jeune of Grace Village in Haiti for the Relief Mission they received from the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together on behalf of The World Conference of Mayors (WCM) and The National Conference of Black Mayors (NCBM). This is a tangible reality of SUCCESS in Haiti for ALL the members of the organizations world-wide rather than the many idle cocktail party rants and raves of projects that exist without any substance behind them. WE DID IT! ALL the members of the World Conference of Mayors can celebrate their success and acknowledge their contribution. Let us get that membership list updated and dispatch the letter to them all to use as a tool for their own marketing, promotional and fundraising efforts.
We are now moving forward in a meaningful way to secure financial, subsistence, construction and medical aid and support for the next mission which will take place as soon as we can unite to raise the necessary items just mentioned. If we can tap into the resources of the USAIDS and the National Medical Association we can make great progress in securing bi-weekly missions to various needed areas around the World! Let us move forward!
We are committed and prepared to work with the WCM and NCBM organizations to raise funds, provide support and organize continued relief efforts for financial donations, to deliver much needed medical support and supplies; food; clothing; educational materials; construction support and building materials; much needed personal items; and legal assistance for displaced children from orphanages that were given transportation and temporary housing in the United States with other families, churches, and organizations until homes have been rebuilt to house them. Where most relief efforts are limited, if not stopped altogether by current travel restrictions in, within, and out of Haiti, The World Conference of Mayors has some political cache that it can exercise to further achieve our united goals globally. This could be the first step toward fulfilling several of our conversations of our organization providing relief support to your efforts globally.
Additionally, in relations to our working together on relief missions here in America and globally, Abdul-Jalil is exploring the possibility of a telethon, perhaps with J. C. Watts Black Television News Channel (BTNC). To that end the WCM is prepared to provide it’s full support to your and our joint efforts to overcome the continual need for financial assistance to achieve our goals. These fundraising efforts include the proposed telethon as a measure to not only raise funds but to raise awareness for the causes as well. Now let us move forward with these joint and several fundraising efforts with a goal of working together on projects of mutual interest and support in a spirit of oneness.
Again, there is much work to do and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation with Stepping Together are committed and prepared to work with you and your organizations to raise funds and organize continued relief efforts to provide assistance to countries around the world, especially Africa, the Caribbean and South/Central America.